After a while of not watching, I watched that Christmas episode where those things project dreams on people. It was weird, but I actually liked it quite a bit, and I think I’ll be watching Doctor Who again.
That was a cool ep, though I think that extra dream layer at the end means all the other people didn’t actually escape. XD I’ve loved the 12th Doctor’s run overall, so I hope you enjoy it too!
I bought like, 20 classic DVDs off Amazon one day
And I used to have some of the VHSes when I was a kid
I wish I had kept them, DVDs are expensive.
That’s like $400 worth of DVD’s. @_@
I had a load of gift cards and stuff
It might have been maybe 15, nit sure, and some were used
I think it was $200
So now 4 Doctors are dead.
RIP War Doctor
:’ (
Looks like we’re about to get a regeneration.
Sad to see 12 go, as I’ve really enjoyed his ‘aging rock star’ style he’s had going, but now it’ll just be interesting to see who 13 will be.
Dang it, I’ve just started watching Capaldi’s series 8 episodes!
I’d hoped he’d stay on for at least one more season. He’s one of my favorite Doctors, and it’d be nice to see someone last for more than 3 seasons for once. Oh well.
I’d also really like it if they stop announcing when a Doctor is leaving. I’d really love it if this Christmas everyone is watching the special thinking “well, I’m not scared for 12’s safety because they haven’t announced he’s leaving” and then at the end he suddenly regenerates with zero announcement. That would be such a great surprise!
:’ (
He was my favorite Doctor…
I agree 100%^
So, Series 10 finale is tomorrow night.
I haven’t been watching it, and I am now trying to get all caught up before tomorrow; 4 and a half episodes to go! And I’m glad my profile pic is relevant.
Tbh, I haven’t been a big fan of this season overall, but the most recent episode was amazing. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
I think last week’s episode was probably one of the best endings to a Who episode ever. Everything about it was great.
Something tells me it’ll be remembered as one of Moffat’s best scripts.
The ending of the latest episode, though…
No political discussion please guys.
Personally, I’m excited to see the direction the show will go with a female Doctor. I think the character design at least is cool. Extra points for long coat and hood.
I totally called a female Doctor happening. I knew it would happen.