But seriously though, why?
Why not? It’s something different.
It kinda breaks tradition and the character of the doctor though.
I mean, the master became female with Missy, why can’t it happen with the doctor
IMO the Master character changing from diabolical psychopath who ‘erased’ (keep things kid friendly) 1/10th of the population to an emotional mess who then joined the doctor was just overdone and boring.
Well, new Doctor. That’s interesting.
Honestly, I don’t really know what to think. I can’t put my finger on why exactly I don’t find the idea of a female Doctor not good, I guess. I’m sure she’ll do fantastic, it’s just going to take me awhile to get used to the idea, let alone a new Doctor in the first place.
An interview with Ms. 13 said that the costume design in the teaser will not be her actual outfit in the show, unfortunately.
Here’s my take on this gender-swap thing. Changing the gender is first and foremost most likely a marketing thing the BBC wanted, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. The Doctor being female shouldn’t change the character at all, like the Master regenerating into Missy didn’t change his/her personality (until series 10 at least, although that was probably natural character progression and had nothing to do with gender). Missy was just as evil as the previous Masters and the gender change was really only used as a bombshell “BTW, I’m the Master! Plot twist!” moment.
The Doctor will probably be the same Time Lord we all know and love, and the writing will probably be top-notch with Chibnall taking over. The Doctor being female will most likely only be blatantly pointed out directly after regeneration and then things will move on as business as usual. I highly doubt the Doctor will wear a mini skirt and have Sonic Lipstick (although a formal dress for undercover work might be included). She’ll probably wear some sort of stylish suit, and honestly, if 12 wasn’t already wearing it, I think his blue coat with red lining would suit her well.
If they make it obvious and bang it over our heads that she’s a girl for the next 3-5 years, then I’ll say it’s a mistake and it was just a dumb marketing ploy, but I don’t think Chibnall would go there unless the BBC forced him too, and even then, I think they know how good Broadchurch is and to let him alone.
Yeah, breaks tradition, but that’s happened before. The Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors all had romantic relationships with their companions. 1-7 didn’t go anywhere near that territory. Doctor Who is always regenerating itself every few years to keep it fresh. The only traditions I think will always be there is that the Doctor is a Time Lord who stole a box and ran away and fights the Daleks every now and then. Anything else is up in the air.
I’m willing too give the new doctor a chance. But this whole thing is a bit weird, it definitely feels like a bit of a marketing ploy, but I don’t think it completely ruins the doctor either. I think it just bugs me that it’s supposed to be the same character. Yes I know that happened with the master, but that felt really weird to me as well.
This whole thing is kind of strange to me. I’m not opposed to the idea of a female doctor, but I guess I’m not necessarily 100% for it either.
In the end though, it’ll come down to whether or not this new doctor will actually act like the doctor. In the past, throughout every regeneration, the doctor has always seemed like the same character to me. Whether or not that will change based on gender will depend entirely on how the writers approach things.
Exactly. Doing things “because tradition” can be a bit dull. I am interested to see where they go with this.
You know what, I’m gonna see how this ends up, I’ve already had several posts taken down, I’ll let Deviantart decide what to make of this revelation.
No, actually. Apparently, it was something Chibnall wanted, and the BBC just approved it.
Also, this:
The 13th doctor is absolutely amazing.
The only thing is the whole flashy sonic thing, where she goes from one side of her body to the other,just a big arc to point her sonic at something.
That, and she’s trying and failing to be a female Matt Smith.
Other than that, it’s great. She does a good job!
I’ve heard she actually writes a few episodes, but I’m not sure.
Oh yes, I’m not denying that at all. I prefer the Mondasian Cybermen
Just that, for the purposes of that discussion, the divergent locations and circumstances of their origins weren’t particularly relevant to my point - both are equally gruesome
fair enough. I much would rather have the war torn option than the ‘Ultimate human’ idea. Though, according to one comic somewhere, the cybermen become peaceful philosophers in the far future.
Huh. Won’t that be the day
On a different note: who’s your favourite Doctor?
Though, apperently that comic isn’t canon. Though apparently if Picard and the Doctor hadn’t defeated the Cybermen and the Borg, the Cybermen would have beat the Borg. An interesting thought.
Of the old ones, Tom Baker, of the new ones, Christopher Eccleston.
Though David Tennant was fun too
If I had to pick, then Tom Baker, only because he was Puddleglum in the old Narnia movies.
You are officially my favourite human. Us Eccleston fans gotta stick together
But yeah, from what I’ve seen four would probably be my favourite classic Doctor. Or maybe Sylvester McCoy.
All 2 of us.
Eh, I didn’t care for him much. then again, I’ve only seen one episode with him in it. Netflix dropped his episodes before I got to them. i watched one episode with every doctor but the War doctor, just to say I’ve seen them all, then I worked my way from the beginning.
Tom Baker episodes also lead to my personal theory that Colonel Sanders is a Time Lord.
Your Netflix has Classic Who?
That is theft, that is unfair, and now I’m sad