This theme, which ran from 1998 to 2013 is aparentlly now a forgotten theme. That is why i want to start this topic to revive it in the LEGO community. To me, this is like one of the best themes off all time… but anyone else seems to have forgot it… Here are some of my favourite sets of this theme I wish I would own:
Ok, we still have the Speed Champions theme today, but belive me, that theme is NOTHING. The Original LEGO Racers had so cool cartoony cars, based on real life models, but mostly they made their own crazy cars. I will always love this theme, no matter if people care about it or not. Here are some more sets:

I really don’t see why people can just overlook such cool sets… But this was the purpise of this topic… to remind you of it.
If you want to see all the sets from this forgotten theme, here is a link to brickset page of this theme: LEGO Racers 2002 | Brickset