Dreamspace - RP Topic

Wait, the gun is one of us, not an attacker? Okay, that’s less concerning… somewhat…

Wait: what the heck am I doing, acting all helpless and clueless? I’m supposed to be blind. Er, well, have been blind. Dark shouldn’t be a hindrance to me. It should be my element.

Sue closed her eye – not that it made much difference, but it helped her concentrate on what she could feel and hear, rather than what little she could see. In her mind, she could see the room, everyone she heard:

That voice came from her left. That was suit guy, right? The one who disappeared into the wall earlier. He was walking, she could hear his steps on the moldy floor. He made his was behind her toward the right side of the room

And now she knew where the door was. To her right. In her mind, she had a mental image of the room now:
Door and Eye-light Girl, at the right of the room – let’s say east, for lack of actual directions. Suit guy, headed from southwest to east. Paralytic and presumably Other girl are at the northwest corner… wait, where was the bat kid?

There he was, north, across the room from her. Was he scared of her?

That would be Other girl.

Okay, I should help her. Wait, isn’t she the one with the gun?

Do I have something like that? I don’t remember… darn amnesia. Wait, I’m blind, why would I have light? Maybe I had a lighter… did I smoke?

All right, she now had a clear image of the room. Now, what to do?

She could go help Other girl, but Suit guy seemed to have a handle on that situation, and she’d probably just make it worse…

She could go help the bat-kid, who had apparently just fallen off the ceiling. But if he was scared of her, she was liable to make that worse, too.

She could go to the door, see if suit guy had indeed found a way out. Wait, what about the broken glass? It would be at the center of the room. She had a clear enough vision of the room to know the wall was behind her, so she could back up until she hit it, and then –

Wait. The glass was a hazard to others, too. Did they have shoes? She realized one occupant who definitely didn’t: the bat-kid. But wait, could he fly? He seemed to have no issue getting to the ceiling.

“All right,” she said, finally opening her eye. “We should all get to the door. Eye light girl, could you look down at the floor for me, make sure I’m not gonna step in the glass? I lack shoe.”



Alexis slid further down the wall. her eyes stung, and her hand had begun to go numb from holding the gun so tightly. she just wanted this to be over. She just wanted to get out of here she didn’t care what it’d take she just wanted out. Alexis clasped her hands over her ears hoping, begging that it would all just stop.


Do not cry. You can’t cry.

Basil slowly rotated under the remains of the fungal wall decoration which had collapsed on top of him, squeezing his eyelids shut to avoid any more dust from entering them. They already stung with what was present. But the pain from his eyes or his lungs was secondary to the reaction he as a kid was instinctively having.

Overwhelming and at least partially unreasonable levels of sorrow.

This entire experience had already been too much what with the violent screaming and the broken lightbulb, and now the blunt impact of a concrete floor on the back of his head while inhaling enough toxic fumes to, in his opinion, block out the sun - it was all far too much to handle at once. He was in pain, he was alone, he was afraid. There had been a moment of solace, but only a moment, and it was ruined immediately.

Do not start crying. You don’t know anyone here; do not embarrass yourself in front of strangers in this situation. Do not cry.

There was a choking sob from the side of the room where Basil had fallen. Barely detectable in the dark, it could possibly be discerned he was trying and failing to stand.


“My name is Eve,” Taimon says in a voice like crunching glass. She turns her head huffily and look toward the floor, skirting over a rough path for Sue to follow. “Don’t trip,” she said sardonically.


After blinking through the comparatively bright light, Miles took a second to take in his new, still confusing surroundings.
“I’m not sure what I was expecting…”
Miles then turns back towards the door and tries to open it from this side.


The door is a sheet of reinforced steel, unmarked, with a crystal knob - odd, like the knob of a door leading into a lounge or dining room - covered in a layer of thick dust.

It turns without resistance, the door swinging open inwards silently and smoothly.


The scathing brightness from the adjoining corridor made Jung cringe at the brightness.

Finally, I can see again. Now where’s the…

Gun. The terrified woman still held the gun in her hand, though not pointed at a place where there could be a casualty.

“Look, there’s light now. You can put the gun down, ok? You’re not in danger anymore. Take some breaths for me.”

Jung was absolutely not certain about whether the group was in any mortal danger, but at least the concern of a wayward gun was starting to abate. He looked toward the door to see the lawyer who had previously vanished, hazarding him a nod before asking: “Is there anything else down that hallway sir?”


Eve? Huh, very similar to Sue, being three letters and one syllable and ending in E and whatnot. Does she not remember her name? What if we all don’t remember our pasts and are just pretending to? What if she picked her name based on my name?

All these thoughts flashed through Sue’s head – or eye, as the case may be? – as she walked to the door, and she had to resist the urge to comment aloud on the similarity of their names. She didn’t want to further irritate the woman whose eye-lights she was relying on at the moment. But she’d certainly comment upon it later.

And then, just as she makes it to the door…

it opens in front of her, the light assaulting her eye that had just started to become accustomed to the dark. Instinct told her to shut her eye, but this eye didn’t shut as easily, so those instincts turned her to look away instead, where she saw…

So the gun that had had her worried so earlier was a handgun aimed blindly by a terrified girl. She felt silly for being so scared.

For a split second, she thought the man was talking to her, and was confused about why he’d called her sir. Then she remembered the suit guy.

Wait, the door was open, she could leave this room. She suddenly felt conscious of the moldy floor feeling… icky on her bare feet, and decided that whatever lie in that hallway had to be worth it. She pushes past suit man and eye-light girl – Eve – into the hallway.

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Basil clutched the blanket tightly around his body as he watched the eyeball head lady exit the room. If he was patient, maybe he would have the option to be the last to leave, but if not he would have to duck out rather quickly.


Basil looked down at his blanket, his face hidden once again by the familiar shadow. How did I get back over here? I was just over on the other side of the room-

Something in his leg was stinging. He really wasn’t quite sure why it was hurting so badly, but there were more important things to consider at the moment. First, he had been in the corner he was now at, then the man who had been lying on the floor began screaming uncontrollably, and everything went dark. Then he woke up with eyeball head lady staring death into the back of his skull and vacated to the other side of the room to occupy the ceiling.

Then he fell off, and then he climbed back up, and then he fell off again - he could still taste that vile powder in his mouth. But how did he end up back here again?

In the few seconds taken up by Sue exiting the room, Basil racked his brain, trying to come up with an explanation. There was… There was- Yes! There had been a sudden indicator of light entering the room. The smallest sliver, but it was there, entering through the opening in the door as the fellow in the suit opened it from the other side.

Light. That meant sight. Now he could see. But he could already see thanks to the robot girl’s eyes glowing ominously, so why had this been relevant? It didn’t affect him much - in fact, it made seeing a bit more difficult. Hopefully the others were grateful they had the light since they could now see.


Basil tightened his grip on the blanket and slowly walked forward, two thoughts fighting for dominance in his conscious. One was that he was not hidden by the blanket during the dark, and one of them may have seen him, which would have been very bad. He didn’t want anyone else having to see him this way.

The second thought was the shattered bulb on the floor, which he now stood in front of, looking remorsefully at the reflective pieces of glass which lay strewn about in the middle of the room. He had been the cause of that loss of light, of the floor guy’s discussion with the girl with the gun, of the blue-eyed girl hitting the wall. Oddly enough, there seemed to be one less piece of the former lightbulb than before, although he couldn’t figure out why or how he knew one was missing.

Something in his leg was stinging. But not worse than how he felt.


“Good job,” Eve drawls, voice monotone and empty. “You opened the door.”

She looms in the doorway, barely shifting as Sue moves past and then stepping herself out of the room, taking a moment to savagely kick the door. The sound reverberates around the space loudly. Eve huffs and glowers toward Miles. "Did you find anything else useful, or is outside as empty of answers as the inside was?



It also echoed quite loudly inside the previous room. Coincidentally, Basil was now pressed against the opposite wall clutching the sides of his head and praying that the cacophony of aggravating sounds and trauma would find a way to cease within the foreseeable future.

There was something else, too. The stinging sensation in his leg had gotten much worse. Perhaps it was because he was kneeling down - or at least attempting to. There was some obstruction between his right leg and the floor, the same one that stung. Probably a bump in the floor or something. but wow, that was beginning to really hurt.

Standing again to avoid the pain, Basil readjusted the blanket around his body and tried to look past the party in the doorway and to the ominous room beyond.

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Given what she remembered, Sue expected some sort of hospital or laboratory, some place that could cure the blind (and give amnesia and turn your head into a giant eyeball, apparently). She had expected to see people bustling about, performing expirements and procedures and tests.

Well, maybe that was past the stairs.

Then again, there was all the mold in the previous room. She didn’t know what a lab or a hospital should look like – she’d never seen one, for obvious reasons – but weren’t they supposed to be clean? Even the floor here, though thankfully free of mold, felt dirty, and the room smelled dusty and old. She realized this grey stuff must be what dust looked like, though again she’d not seen it before.

Wait. Dust implies a place is unused, but then how did we get in there? Someone must have brought us there… is there another door we missed?

Well, she wasn’t about to go back into that room and find out. Not when there was a way to go onward, stairs leading to the unknown. Though perhaps she should lead the powerful one go first, just in case it was dangerous.

Sue moved to the side and gestured toward the steps. “Ladies first,” she said, looking at Eve. Wait, we’re both ladies. Well, whatever, I’m still saying that.


"So much clanging and scraping. Something is happening, something big.”
Alexis removed her hands from her ears and risked a glance, and too her surprise she could see she could actually see! "Where is it?” Alexis’ heart raced as she scanned the now dimly lit room for any sign of the beast.

Alexis nodded and muttered a quiet “uh huh.”, she hadn’t paid attention to a single word the man had said, she only knew that he had addressed her. She stood back up, hoping that the extra height might somehow improve the efficiency of her search.

“Hallway?” Alexis’ eyes darted towards the exit, oh the glorious exit! That was her ticket out of this hell. She could finally leave! Alexis needn’t give a second thought as she began making her way towards the now open door. At last, freedom was in her grasps!


The clang is deafening. As you remove your foot, it reveals a large dent, far larger than your previous attempts had yielded.

The chamber outside the door is barely large enough for more than two, and with the hulking form of Eve’s metal form, it is cramped at best, forcing some of you up the first few stairs.

Weaving effortlessly through and above the infrared-riddled bootleg owners, you float up the stairs. Flying is just like swimming, natural and superior to any other form of locomotion. It’s nice, upwards at a 45 degree angle, nice and const-

The stairs level out.

Behind you, 10 feet of stairs. Above, another flickering light, this time a domed, tipped fixture, like you’ve seen in human… houses? Ahead of you are more stairs.

But on your left and right are two more doors.


There are stairs there.

Basil stared almost in wonder at the stairs stretching before him into the dark unknown, beckoning him to approach. They seemed significantly less disgusting than this room, and there was nothing left to be done here. So he took one step forward-

-only to flail ineffectively for a second and fall on the ground as Alexis bolted past towards the opportunity to escape. Thankfully he had avoided the glass, and heard it crunch under Alexis’ step as she made her way out of the room. Now only he and Jung were inside and the room’s exit was become very crowded.

A bit more cautiously this time, Basil slowly stood, rubbing the elbow which supported his fall and carefully made his way around the broken lightbulb. Now he stood, completely obscured by his blanket, his yellow eyes scanning the party as he stood inside of the doorway hoping there would be an opportunity.

And now that he was closer to it, that light was really annoying.


Good, I’m getting somewhere at least. Now maybe I can get the gu-

Nevermind…” Jung thought to himself. At least the crisis of a stray gunshot was delayed at worst and gone at best. He turned towards the exit to see…

…The entire band of misfits he was with piling out of the door into the light beyond. Jung would have followed, but something was at the back of his mind.

Or neck, in this instance. He took this moment to mentally recap what had just happened: He and all of the people here had awaken in the mold filled room. All of the others save one had some form of mutation or superpower of varying levels of weirdness. He began to classify them on how strange they appeared, but quickly stopped, saying to himself: “No. Judging on outward appearance isn’t right, even if I’m surrounded by things I’d see in a dream. If I, if WE want to escape this, then I need to do my best to be good to these people so that they can at least have a sense of friendship in this situation. It’s what mum and the twins would want me to do.

The last sentence made him sad. It had been years since he had seen the twins. And remembering his mother in a better state made him yearn for days long past. Now was not the time for this. Jung stood back up. The action caused him to be aware of the lump burrowing on the back of his neck. What was this thing that had caused such pain earlier? What had even caused the paralysis in the first place? Had he broken his neck after taking the pill somehow? And how was this thing allowing him to move? He again attempted to turn around and see it, but to no avail. Perhaps there was a reflective surface he could use as a mirror as the group advanced to get a better look. But that would have to wait.

For now, Jung waited for the group to continue before moving on. He took the time to search the pockets of his pants and worn jacket, seeing what items he had unintentionally brought with him on this strange adventure. He then decided to feel what was on his neck…


It was an unnerving feeling, to feel the skin building up to a point and then dropping off, the gaping wound in his back otherwise a crater were it not for this alien substance filling the void.

And alien it was. Jung could not determine anything other than it being a solid piece of… Something, very hard and incredibly smooth. It was slightly rounded, like a piece from a suit of armor, but by no means metallic. And it was probably due to whatever it was now being inside his body, but it was just as warm as the rest of him.

Further inspection would require removing garments in order to access, and a second pair of eyes would certainly help. At least whatever it was wasn’t biting him further.

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As one hand reaches over your back to feel at what it was that has so … invaded you, the other dives into first your left pocket, then your jacket pocket. In your pants pocket, there is a single, worn coin, it’s once-ridged edge rubbed to near smoothness. In your jacket … you feel around, slightly awkwardly with your non-dominant hand … you feel something, you grasp it, pull it out-

Pocket lint.

As you gingerly rub your hand over the lump, it seems to trail down your entire back. Involuntarily, a shiver of mixed curiosity and revulsion convulses down your spine.

Then it twitches, and, equally involuntarily, but in a different, horrifying way … your hand flies away from it.

The doors are definitely not high up enough to swim underneath, though set into the center of each is a glass window pane, which is blocked from the other side by a layer of … it looks soft … mold. More mold.

Do you still wish to continue up the stairs?


Sue was only intending to let Eve go by, but she stops and lets Other Girl go by too – partly to be nice, and partly so as not to be standing in the way of a freaked out girl with a gun. Suit guy is also already past. The fish also… swam? Flew? floated?.. past. What was up with that, anyway?

She started to follow, but something stopped her. There were still two people in the room, the not-so-paralytic, and the bat-kid. Someone really should watch out for the bat-kid, who seemed to be an actual kid. Couldn’t be her, though, not if the kid was scared of her. Why was he so scared, anyway? Wait, what if she’d done something horrible to him that she couldn’t remember? What if she stole his favorite toy, or worse – tried to tickle him?!

She glances down, seeing the blanketed figure approach the doorway. She couldn’t see his face, but he definitely seemed wary of her. Behind, she could see

Not-so-Para seemed to be doing some sort of something. Hmm, he was the one who tried to comfort Gun Lady – maybe he could help.

“Do you think you could keep an eye – er, no pun intended – on the kid?” she says.

Then, suddenly, curiosity overwhelms her desire to be helpful, and she doesn’t even wait for a response, turning and heading up the stairs as fast as the party in front of her will allow.


Jung looked at the coin, quickly realizing he’d need better light to see it. After putting it away, he felt something else in his pocket. Unfortunately it was only some lint, but at least there was the possibility of fire starter if needed.

The strange feeling of the shape made Jung’s skin crawl. He still couldn’t see what on earth this strange entity was. He could ask someone else for a better view, but he figured it would be a waste of time.

The thing moved. It was alive. Jung already knew such due to it crawling up his leg, but this new reaction only reminded him of the horrid fact.

Worry about it later, right now you need to find a way out of-

Jung was startled by the sudden question, “I wha-“

The eyed woman was gone before Jung could say anything. “Wonderful, now that’s two I’ll need to look after closely,” Jung thought to himself. He looked at the poor child, who was now limping. “Still, could be worse I guess”.

He called out to the kid: “Are you okay? Do you need help at all?”