Dreamspace - Signups and OOC

i don’t care what style you use, all i want is for you to listen to sgt. pepper’s lonely hearts club band while drawing the characters
this is not a joke and i genuinely think you should do it

I would ask you why in Var’s facial hair you would unironically recommend I listen to paul mcartney sing about lsd while having a crippling inability to draw properly but then I remembered who I’m talking to

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my man
tell me how all the characters got to where they are
what is the one thing this rp is revolving around

Fears and insecurities.



My ego


illegal drugs!

Is that mean The Lego Yoda will be making an appearance?

So far I think this looks interesting but intimidating as I have never participated in a RPG and it is hard to think of a good character. Needs thinking over like all things.


That’s why she went blind. Don’t pierce your eyes, kids.

Just to clarify, that’s a joke. I didn’t even notice the connection between her former blindness and the way I described her eyes until you pointed that out.

Oh yeah, I definitely expected that. That could be interesting, too – I’ve written a few amnesiacs in the past, but not one I don’t know the story.

This character might not provide much in terms of providing to the abilities of the “team”, but I’m hoping to make up for it in terms of character interactions, because that is one thing I am good at.


Winger has more or less told me to stop griping and agree with the signup already I mean specified he has no issues, so the only thing remaining is… If you could change some of the info and appearance, as there’s already a 5’5" 18 y/o girl in the signup already and because I’m so selfish about my drawing inability I don’t want to have to draw more properly proportioned human beings than I have to

Even something unique appearance-wise will be enough to satiate my needs and the more creative you are with it, the more cookie emojis I give you



I am still intending to make balance changes to Taimon (my current character proposal) but I wanted to get your opinion on the character since Ghid has already chimed in.


Alrighty, so in terms of balance, I don’t there’s any huge problems, other than the at-will lightning.

There are only two issues: the first, main one is that we’re a little worried about steamrolling the party. You’re going to be faster, stronger, and tougher than likely any other character, and this, coupled with your character’s moral code, could mean you could literally do anything you wanted and the party would be powerless to stop it. Our proposed solution to this is for instead of Taimon being a human with a cybernetic shell, being a human turned mostly cyborg. That way, Callahan can balance you out.

The other issue is something I just mentioned: Taimon’s moral code. It has the potential to be a real “it’s what me character would do” blanket. So here’s the pitch: you need to know that your actions are going to have consequences. Tasteful, story-building wanton violence is OK, but don’t derail the other characters and stuff.

So if you’re good with those two changes (cyborg instead of shell, some sort of modification to the lightning), then you’re good to go.


Winger this is what I already said you could’ve paraphrased


but I need the credit


Ok fair


Unique appearance, eh?

Well, from what I have already, amber eyes are pretty rare to begin with; only about 5% of the population has that color. (I didn’t choose that color for its rarity, because I didn’t know it was rare until I looked it up after I chose it). That might not make much difference, depending on what your art style looks like…

Also: I initially made the character 6’5". I changed it just before submission, because… I forget why. So clearly it wasn’t an important reason. So I can make her 6’5", if that helps.

What about red hair, to contrast with the darker-haired AC? I did just pick brown hair only because that’s my go-to when it comes to female hair colors, so I’d totally be fire with changing it to something more unique.


A number of responses:

  1. Would an acceptable counterbalance be a large stamina drain/“time limit” on it? Essentially being able to fire a salvo of bolts or a larger burst and then being unable to fire anything for a while due to heavy exhaustion.

  2. Bearing in mind the nature of N01’s power as an interface rather than flat out control, yes.

  3. I have played enough TTRPGs to encounter “it’s what my character would do” and I have no intention of trying to assassinate the party if they insult my very high-quality blonde hair dye. My intention with Taimon is to introduce a more combative element to the game/party and potential character conflict, not create a TPK.

I’m here to roleplay and blow up things, and I can’t roleplay if everyone is dead.

  1. Concerning Ghid’s comment/concern about the Nightmare, a few things:
  • Followers aren’t actually much stronger than an average human; their ability to cut Eve’s armor stems from them being a constructed body around a metal point. They use the metal point to cut the armor and the rest of the body to dodge around and deliver strikes. Otherwise they’re just as strong and fast as whatever material they made a body from, which is up to your discretion.

  • You are free to put whatever limit on them spawning that you wish, I personally didn’t imagine more than one or two appearing at once. Considering they need a sizable piece of armor to spawn from (hand sized or so), any of them appearing would probably be the secondary threat to whatever Nightmare was strong enough to punch said armor off.

If you have further worries/concerns I would be happy to hear and discuss them.

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Wait does that mean that @Kirathel character and my character could communicate via telepathy?


No. Kirathel’s character is not a machine - they’re part machine.


K just wanted to make sure.


Depending on how she uses her technopathy there might be something.