i found a panic attack recovery book in a free book bin today.
Everybody else in the party: let’s help the terrified wounded literal child
Sue: but I wanna know what’s upstairs!
I was waiting for Kirathel(eve) to post, considering she’d probably reach the next set of doors first, but perhaps Sue should interact with Alexis stopping in front of her…
Well, here’s the thingamabob: Eve never actually went past.
Sue gave her the option to move past, but since Kirathel hasn’t posted in 18 days, she’s either miles ahead of most of the group or she stayed put. I’ve been posting under the assumption that she stayed put, standing on the opposite side of miles as the rest of the party pushed past them both, but I can edit if Kirathel returns to clarify.
also, poor miles
he’s been standing in place this entire time as everyone runs into him to get past and now as the kid is falling he’s about to get shoulder-checked by jung
no no, Miles is still at the bottom of the stairs.
I’ve been posting on the assumption she went ahead, and then Alexis went by after. Given what I’ve written, though, I haven’t indicated that is the case, so I have an idea to resolve the disparity.
I hate you
I hate me too, but for this:
So this is why people determine marching order.
So this is what happens when I take TTV off my home tabs.
She’s just now going up the stairs and being very confused at what’s happening.
thank you all for waiting
Do you want me to call him blanket boy?
snuggie infant
I am just beginning to go into my final weeks and exams so expect me to rewrite it in 3-5 weeks
Hey guess how long it takes for me to realize I’m holding up the rp
whenever dreamspace is mentioned in pm this is how I discuss it
with stock images and no shame
also don’t worry it’s not just you, our loving gm is neglecting us as well
don’t worry it’s not you, our loving gm is neglecting us as well
Winger you’ve been promoted!
Also minus the inconsistency in posting, what can I improve on with my rp?
@ellswaffle_787 If you’re in the mood to be continuing up the stairs, no need to wait for a GM post - you can see everything that Malaco already saw listed here.
Everyone else other than Malaco is, from what I can tell, hiding around the stairs watching the surgical procedure I mean character building moment. I’m still going to pester Winger about getting a post up, but I can handle everything other than Malaco’s adventures for the time being.
EDIT: Winger has gotten a post up. Where’s your my excuse