Dreamspace - Signups and OOC

pretty sure it is and i’m pretty sure it has a name


It’s a sort of nocebo effect, just a bit more extreme in my case. Trust me, it most definitely doesn’t just cause a cold to be dreamt away.


har har


Name: Jung
Info: Male, 5’7, Aged 19
Appearance: Overgrown yet well kept black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes, usally covered by sunglasses. Usually wears a hoodie obtained from his missing dad and comfortable pants. Proudly owns and maintains an timeperiod-equivalent bicycle. Imagine Levi Ackerman but less cool and less stern.
Dream: To fly
Nightmare: To be paralyzed, preventing him from caring for his loved ones.
Backstory: Jung grew up with his twin younger sisters and mother, who worked at MENDAX. One day, she found some information that could incriminate the corrupt company. She hurried home, only to find her supervisor there. She was put under psuedo house arrest and required to pay from her savings to prevent him from incriminating her. As the extortion’s pressure began adding up, Jung’s mother began taking the snova pill to ease the stress. One a day turned to two, then two to four, until she was hopelessly addicted. The money ran out quickly, and the state took away the younger twin sisters, putting them in families unknown. Jung had taken up a job by this point, but was forced by MENDAX to be a runner for the ingredients of the pill, else they arrest his mother. Jung one day lost the delivery, and the boss gave the family 24 hours to find it else they both be detained, never to see the sun again. After several hours of searching, Jung gave up and began gathering food for the last family meal. Suddenly, he obtained some of the cracked pills. Seeing his mother desparate for the drug pained him, so he figured he’d offer it to her in their final hours together. They had a meal, took the pill, and blacked out. Next thing Jung knew, he was in a world unable to move at all, shattering the final shard of hope that remained in his heart…

Vices: Jung often takes the blame for things out of his control, over guilting himself over small things, and shaming himself when something is done wrong.

Quirks: likes soup


Ees approved.


Jung passes the turing test from me. Welcome aboard.


Before I start, do I have a squid head or not?

Let’s go with no. We have enough freaks of nature that you probably don’t need to compensate; at this point you’re the normal one compared to the rest of the gang.


Wait so what’s the nightmare?


Would it make sense to have people from MENDAX looking for Miles and try to kill him? Or have other reminders of his death show up rather frequently?


this is already going to happen, yes.

like, right now? No. But it will undoubtedly come up throughout the course of the RP.


or we could just kill him five minutes in

I was… not aware of this


There is much you are not aware of.

well not really but there’s a few things


Wait, I’m not an all-knowing eldritch deity, just a normal eldritch deity?

I’m almost as disappointed in myself as I am in myself


Eye am going to have to resist the urge to make a ton of eye puns.

It’s in character for me, but not the character I want to portray.


I have a really weird reoccurring dream(s) no I won’t describe them because it will take too long


Does what I said actually work for using his nightmare or no?

Actually wait that’s a lie.

Ironically enough I had a lucid dream where I went “Now what” and decided to fly by flapping my arms. Then I got in my car and made an illegal turn and was chased by the police. It was weird

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So do our characters know they have they’re powers prior to them waking up, or is this a took pill wake up in a room with a bunch of people, and we All now have powers situation?