Earth Gafna

They told me to make more Gafna… so I did.

Now with an articulated tail!

Delivering an Earth Ratigo’s bite to those nasty Toa (I’ve been poking around the VNOG spell files too long)…

Below is the Stone Gafna from VNOG for comparison. Obviously the makers got the colors of Earth and Stone mixed up and made “Stone” (Earth) a dull gray, so this isn’t all that accurate. But I don’t think the Mata hand comes in gray, so… here we are.

Thanks for viewing!

Previous Gafna:
Fire Gafna


aww he’s cute
make all 6

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neat little moc

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Yeah this is a cute little guy.

Yeah it actually came in gray in the “Blaster” Slizer. I think I might have one

Anyways, I hope to see more of them, might build one myself.


this is such a cute rahi build, great job

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i love it.

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Yay, Gafna’s are super cute, you don’t see them very often so this is nice to see. Good job, especially on the head.


Thanks everyone!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go! Make an accurate VNOG Stone Gafna! =P


Yeah, I just gotta find it.

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