A Vortixx who became a skilled assassin for the Order of Mata Nui, Echodarix knows her way around a blade as much as she knew her way around the gsr, she lost her original arm during the assassination of a Makuta, and considers the replacement a warning of the result of failure.
Echodarix and Toa Payinku had crossed paths many times throughout the 1000 years of decline, and fought together in the battle of Bara Magna, now they’ve set off with a party of explorers lead by the Toa of water Shogia in order to cartograph their new home and find locations for settlements.
Weapons and equipment:
Dual sided Trident
Rhotuka shuriken
Kanohi Hau
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I like the build of the head quite a bit.
The shoulders make it look weak, and the wide hips and thin legs don’t work well. The head is a definite pro, as well as what I believe to be an articulated waist.
A Vortixx with Super Saiyan hair…I like it