Ekimu v. Kulta Revamp

Yes I definitely want to make a V2 of kulta after the feedback I got. I will get to it eventually once I have time :slight_smile: Thank you very much for the detailed feedback

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No problem, like I said I think they’re really cool!

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Ehh, when you build big with CCBS, It’s really easy to construct a hulking piece of a ball-joint-based armored torso, but big, beefy legs are difficult to make. It looks like you could have made something really special if Kulta’s arms and legs where titan sized. Either you ran out of pieces, or just got bored of working on him. What I’m trying to say is that he looks good, but only in the torso, where as he looks unfinished in the legs and arms. 5.8/10

Ekimu is good, but the hammer is a little stubby, and that lime piece in the crotch armor bugs me! 8.9/10

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Hella complex tho

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I love that Ekimu revamp, (specially the torso), the colorskin is almost flawless.

Kulta… i like Kulta but… those shoulders are a too big, like he’s wearing Power Armor :stuck_out_tongue:

However i do like both a lot

Keep doing awesome jobs :D!

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2 spooky for me

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That’s what Kulta calls his cult


dem leggz tho…he zexy

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@toxicmocs Well, I must say that Ekimu here is really well done. He looks like a gladiator instead of his protector stance in the set, which is good. However, I not a big fan of Kulta. He’s not supposed to be that buffed in my opinion. Maybe retain some of the skeletal look of him and it might be much better. That aside, marvelous revamps!

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I like them when they are posing, but when they are standing straight they seem a little awkward.

Ekimu looks a lot thinner with a triangular looking body and his mask seems a tad too small for his body now. Meanwhile Grinder has very long legs and a good body, but then gets incredibly bulky at the top.

Though i do really enjoy the designs of these sets and wish we had gotten these instead of what we ended up getting.

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Thank you very much for your feedbaack! :slight_smile:

Kulta, more like Hulka.


Holy…Wha…So amazing!!..faints. :smiley: