Eljay's AMA

Kakama Mata.

Recaps? Nope. Future Recents? Most certainly, however with a higher quality.

I’d recommend Kopaka, personally.



Republican or democrat, and depending on which, What primary candidate of your preferred party would you vote for?
(You know, this question is probably a really bad idea. But I don’t particularly care at the moment. (But I probably will if I get banned from the boards or something. (Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.)))

Ahah. Ahahahah.

I’m gonna leave this comment here (taking a chance) to make a point -

#This type of comment or type of discussion is not allowed on our Messages Boards.

Thank you.


I am actually voting for the third party candidate Onua. He knows how to grab attention and will unite our nation.


Anyway Eljay, if you had to Unite with one creature, who would it be?


Will you still do that Mangosteen chugging contest you mentioned in TTV Talks #48?

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he knows how to hit the leevah in our hearts

k i’m done


Hey Eljay, have you ever played Punch-Out? If you have, which version? And did you beat the whole thing? If you haven’t, are you interested in it?

If at all possible.


Never played it, and not really interested either. =P


Which do you find to be more humorous?-


Or Emperor Mangosteen?


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

If Artakha (the character not me) were to show up and offer to create any one item for you what would you ask him for?

Pineapples or bananas?

Are there any Bionicle characters G1 or G2, that you like voicing aside from Lewa?

Have you seen @BionicleN17’s Bionicle Ignition: Island of Doom?

Who is your most and least favorite villain in all of G1?

What fruits other than mangosteen do you like?

What is worse, a blue pin on a red set or a red axle on a blue set?

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Going with this one due to the gopher. Quite amusing.

A few, I suppose.

The best, life sized, one of a kind Miru replica ever.


  1. I’m down for any characters, honestly. Couldn’t name one.
  2. Nope.
  1. Most would be Teridax, and least would be… Hmm, can’t think of one right now.
  2. Apples, oranges, etc. Anything, really.
  3. A red axle on a blue set, because at least blue is a part of the fire spectrum of colors, being the hottest part of fire. There is nothing that works with red on blue, sadly.

Why not? :stuck_out_tongue:

Simply haven’t had the time, really.


Have you gotten any Nexo knights sets?

Have you gotten any Ninjago sets, and if so, which ones?

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

  1. Not yet.
  2. Several, however I don’t know all of them. Two are from Rebooted, and they’re the ones with Lloyd and his bike, and Jay and Cole.
  3. Chocolate or strawberry.
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What exactly is the joke behind this? :stuck_out_tongue: