Empowered Mode [Artwork] [Pitch]

Avatar state? May I see you once more?

Looks nice.

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This is very cool! If this would be cannon, in the story, maybe 5 Toa will became Nuva, and the other one will be jealous and will became a corrupted Nuva. And the others will help him.
Or maybe the other will met another Toa who is a corrupted Nuva (and here we will have a connection to another Toa). The mutated Toa will try to manipulate the other Toa to became bad, and the others will defeat him!

This ain’t digimon with that plot point.

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In alot of the digimon series they had a certain plot point. One of the main protags’s digimon would get corrupted or they would meet a corrupted digimon.

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With regards to the morality aspect, I’ve made a post titled “Mask of Fusion” that would better deal with that. Mask of Fusion [Pitch]

I have an idea with the Kaita and the Nuva Mode, relating to the Mask of Fusion (somewhat). If three Toa fuse into a Kaita (two Toa Nuva and one Toa), the Kaita will be an Inika Kaita due to the three Toa not lining up within the Nuva. This could potentially kill the Kaita and all three Toa within it.

Kinda like that, but instead of the Toa simply glowing all over, it would work in the way I described above.

In the case of the Inika, it’s actually an overwhelming of emotion (depending on the circumstance) and greater internal struggle that empowers the Toa. Because of the damaging effects of the Inika, it is frowned upon. @Idhren @Toa_Vladin @LTVmocs: Here’s a perfect scene to sum up the mindset of the Inika.

Essentially, achieving Nuva is mainly about becoming a stronger Toa than your strongest predecessor, either through raw emotion or hard work. Tahu would probably retain the Inika Mode the longest, assuming he ever obtains the Nuva through hard work at all. Onua and Kopaka are the most likely candidates to obtain the Nuva through hard work, before the others (Gali being a very close second, but she might develop a new way of obtaining it).

While I’m making no say in the powerset, this did get me thinking about the appearance.

This concept was described as “Nova”, and more similar to its use in that it’s extremely temporary. And yes, there’s a lot of Dragon Ball inspiration here.

In his Nova form, Tahu becomes surrounded in a flaming aura. His armour and weapons superheat, becoming blue in more places, as do his eyes. (Clearly inspired by base Super Saiyan, as well as a post on this page.)

In his Nova form, Kopaka becomes surrounded in freezing energy and mist. Ice covers portions of his armour, and encases his weapons.

In her Nova form, Gali becomes surrounded in a twister of water. Fin-like sections of compressed water protrude from her armour and weapons. (Inspired by Ash-Greninja and Tarix.)

In his Nova form, Pohatu becomes surrounded in a sandstorm. Stone covers his armour and weighs down his weapons. (Partially inspired by general powerups from Dragon Ball.)

In her Nova form, Lewa becomes surrounded in a tornado and perpetually levitates. Her armour glows a bright green. (Actually inspired by Nidhiki, from that scene in The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet.)

In his Nova form, Onua becomes surrounded in a cage of vines that grow from the moss on his armour. (Purple?, I only said this because I’m still very fond of the G2 purple) crystals grow from his armour.

In her Nova form, Voriki becomes surrounded by arcs of electricity that fluctuate. Her armour becomes electrified and pulses with energy. (Inspired by Super Saiyan 2 and Hero Factory of all things.)

In his Nova form, a being of Light becomes surrounded by an aura of light. Their armour becomes bioluminescent and transparent, and their weapons glow.

In their Nova form, a being of Shadow becomes cloaked in darkness. Spikes protrude from their armour, which becomes blackened.

MIGHT do art for these, not sure, anyone else is welcome of course.


I highly encourage you to draw some designs. My art isn’t the best, so it helps if someone else thinks up some designs.

Welp, I’ve done a concept for Tahu, and immediately though, dangit, I should have added some more stuff. It was fun though.

Now, how do you post it…

Ooh, does this work?

Tahu Nova(/Nuva/Inika whatever the heck we’ll call it.)

As for the changes that I should have added, probably some “white-hot” edges in places, methinks. I ended up taking more of a Super Saiyan God inspiration than base Super Saiyan (which’ll likely be more applicable to a being of light/Takanuva, whoever, whatever, you all know what I mean). I tried to give it a feeling of the aura covering him as well with the flames, with decent results.

Better artists than me can certainly feel free to do better versions/variations/adaptations of this.


Edited for Double Post - Slime

please don’t double post thanks

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I’ve added your artwork to the initial pitch.

Ooh, sweet! Guess I know what I’m doing this afternoon then.

Okay, Gali Nova done as well.

As I said, there’s some heavy Ash-Greninja influence in this one. Unfortunately I mucked up the proportions a bit this time, owing to the crossed arms (which were a bit shonky). So, to recap, she’s surrounded in water, with compressed water fins and compressed water surrounding her weapons. Still though, I had fun. Previous usage thingymibobs apply.

Now, who to do next…?

Edited for Double Post - Slime

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Kopaka could be interesting to see

I made this.



Interesting. So is this a Toa Nuva effectively?

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Basicly an upgrade to their current form.

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Ask and ye shall receive…I think.

I think that I need to work on his mist aura; let me know.

Spear is encased in ice, a reference to Snow’s ax in Lightning Returns and that sword piece from LEGO. Shoulders are beefy as a reference to Kopaka Master, feet as a reference to Nuju Metru.

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I love the design, but the mist is a bit hard to see. Is there anyway to darken the background so that the mist is more visible?

Possibly, though it’s likely going to be easier for me to go over the mist again.

That being said, while I have your attention, do you think an aura of mist is better, or just a straight up blizzard?

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Blizzard might be better, just to show the raw power.


Let’s see if this works better.

A blizzard is easy enough

A localized blizzard wrapping around an individual is something else entirely.

Edited for Double Post - Slime

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