Here’s what appears to be the entire first chapter of Escape from the Underworld, the third Bionicle G2 chapter book. That said, potential spoilers ahead!
Here’s what appears to be the entire first chapter of Escape from the Underworld, the third Bionicle G2 chapter book. That said, potential spoilers ahead!
Hopefully this shows in JtO.
“Those lousy comets!” XP
This looks really interesting…
FINALLY one of my favorite Bionicle villains gets some time and backsory!
I found interesting the fact that he was there the entire time, even before the battle of the mask makers, and that LoSS was indeed his personal minion.
Also, runes that drain Kulta’s energy? Awesome!!!
Seems like Windham didn’t realize the Mask of Creation was located on the bridge, and putting the Scorpios under LOSS’s command is super nonsensical and contradictory, but beyond that this is pretty neat and interesting. I’m glad this book seems like it will clear up the timeline between Okoto’s prehistory and the Toa’s arrival.
I think that when he said “his minions”, he intended “Skull Grinder’s minions”.
Unless it was the Mask of Skull Spiders on the bridge.
Where can you purchase the books?
Also, this looks really cool.
It’d be aces if a stray Skull Warrior broke in and sneaked the Mask of Skull Spiders into Kulta’s cell or something. Since we have a confirmed link between the Skeleton Army and the Skull Spiders, I’m really hoping this is where we’ll finally get to see it in canon.
Was it?
We all assume that, because we see Kulta holding it over the bridge pedestal, but what if he found it before he even went to the Ancient City? He would’ve been holding it when he crossed the bridge, right?
Think about this: Kulta goes to the city with Basher and sets up the defenses. Then he leaves, finds the MoCr, and brings it back.
Also: this explains the lack of “Kulta” in the story.
Also: can we call Skull Basher and Skull Slicer “Skelemental warriors”?
The only way this Mask would make any sense to exist is If Kulta had it and used it to control the Spiders, without needing to wear it. This Mask is on the edge of being declared completely non-canon like the drained masks of Stone and Ice.
I can’t wait for the full thing to come out. This first chapter already gives us everything that I ever wanted to see on Kulta— a small history, an actual PERSONALITY, references to specific parts of the Skull Army, his fate post-2015. Only thing that’s missing is any kind of mention of Skull Slicer. I really hope we find out what happened to him as well.
I understand your logic here, but in the context of the animations it is very clear that that was supposed to be the spot for the Mask of Creation. Otherwise, Pohatu asking what used to be on the pedestal is completely pointless, and it would’ve been flat-out deceptive of them to then show Kulta claiming the mask while standing right there as Ekimu is saying “He took it! Just before you arrived!”
That’s exactly my theory. Shows are deceptive sometimes. They lead you to believe one thing so that the truth is a surprise reveal later on.
Plus, it might just be that was the range of Ekimu’s senses. I mean, it is where Ekimu spoke to the Toa.
Fair point. However, it could still be a mystery they were setting up for later. r maybe the GMoSS was supposed to be there, and it got cut.
But the animations were designed by Merlin P. Mann with clear intent to communicate the main story, while the books are being written by Ryder Windham mostly without consulting Mann. I highly doubt the animation would have gone to such lengths to set up this one detail for Book #3.
Ryder, you magnificent man, you used his actual name!
Given how good that tiny excerpt was, I’m pretty dang hyped for this one!
This confirms that Skull Grinder was around before the Cataclysm (before Makuta and Ekimu fought). It was thought that perhaps Makuta was not evil before he put the MoUP on and only jealous. But this novel seems to indicate that Skull Grinder worked for Makuta before the Cataclysm. So Makuta was evil confirmed? Not sure about this.
Its interesting that Kulta mentions all the villains except for Skull Slicer. Maybe he isn’t even related to the skull villains.
The thing is, they’re both working off the same story bible.
Actually, here’s another theory: it’s clear that some changes were likely made to this story bible at some point between the animations and the second book, as we see a few other retcons (The Toa’s Golden Masks shattering, LoSS’s defeat freeing everyone). I think perhaps the MoCr was going to be on that pedestal, then the story team decided to have it be elsewhere.
Wait a second. I just re-watched the Legend. The MoCr is clearly shown in a forest after the big Boom.
My joy is nearly complete!
I think that Kulta is just a being of shadows, and I believe that Makuta has always been affiliated with shadows, so maybe Kulta is like a bound demon or something?