Escape from the Underworld iBooks Preview

Finally! Some


I had a feeling they were gods since the beginning.

I think I should mention how BS01 mentions them as “Skull Creatures” so I’m guessing they’re a separate species anyways.


I noticed that too–it squares with the line from JtO about how the Legendary Masks were hidden b/c they’re “too powerful to be entrusted to mortals.” That would seem to imply that both the Toa and the Mask Makers are immortal.

A little confused as to why Makuta had skull minions before his fight with Ekimu, as he seemed to be good back then, according to graphic novel 2.

“I’m going to use this mask to improve all our lives, with the help of my freakish skeleton army!”


Only Kulta, as far as we know, and e probably wasn’t a Skull-head back then.


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Yeah, he likely was some kind of Mask maker servant.

It could also be that Kulta was a sort of villain in the old times and was secretly working for Makuta. Ekimu would know about Kulta but didnt know he was working for Makuta.

Then when Ekimu discovered the creation of the MoUP in GN 2, he could have realized Kulta works for Makuta.

You got GN 3 how??? /s


You didnt see nothing.:wink:


to me it sounds as if kulta was was loyal too makuta but not evil. Then when his mask got shattered and makuta became evil he became evil. And him turning evil might have caused him becoming skeletal, or the skull villains where oktoans caught in the explosion and burried alive by all the stuff that must have flown into the air.


It actually makes a lot of sense for the Skull Villains to be Okotoans who got exposed/corrupted to the MoUP in the moments Makuta wore it. I mean, in GN2 Makuta is wearing the MoUP in the middle of the capital city with probably hunderds of people yet in the aftermath of the explosion everything is gone. Only the Protectors and Ekimu remain. So what happened to all the people? Did they die or did they turn into the Skull Army?


It would be a cool callback is Gali somehow destroyed the underworld (referencing Gali from G1 nova blasting karzahni to smithereens)


That would be great! I love that we’re getting more Gali action–Ryder Windham really seems to know what we want as fans! Protector names, more backstory, and now characters with lesser exposure getting more of the spotlight! Makes me glad this guy lives in my home state! :smiley:

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So here’s what I got out of this:

  1. Kulta was a servant of Makuta for millenia
  2. Kulta’s skull mask is actually his face
  3. The Skull Spiders and LoSS are both underlings of Kulta.
  4. Skull Basher was also a servant to Makuta, by extension of Kulta
  5. The Skull Scorpios are connected to LoSS and the two in the animations were the only two around (which means the only hoard enemies of the Skull Villains are the Skull Warriors)
  6. Runes have special powers
  7. The Forge also contains prison cells

Questions it brought up:

  1. What was Kulta before he was the Skull Grinder? He couldn’t have always been skeletal.
  2. How did he get the name Skull Grinder?
  3. Does Basher have a real name as well?
  4. How did Kulta know that the comets brought Toa? Did he know the Prophecy of Heroes too? Is it just a thing that everyone knows?

Yup. Whenever I hear them described as “timeless heroes”, I reflect on that a bit. Almost as if Windham is nodding to fans who have been around since the beginning.

I’m interested in this idea, but I’m sticking with my headcanon that Kulta was general of the mask maker’s army, as outlined in my story, Kulta Reimagined.

Book 3: Escape from the Underworld.
AKA: Land of the Skeletons.


I don’t think this is the case. The excerpt clearly indicates that Kulta has been unmasked on the second page…


Yeah, plus RoSS states that Kulta’s skull mask was just a mask.



It might help if I had read RoSS! :smile:

I interpreted the other line that says he put the Mask of Creation on his face and combined it with the animations where he kinda just put it on his face without removing his mask, so that’s how I figured that.