Famine (V1)

The Neo-Shifters reboot.

Pretty cool model brosif. I would never have been able to build something around a globe piece.


its a pretty extensive story spanning “roughly 1,680,000 words.” if you’re ever caught in a month or two with nothing to read I highly recommend it

this is an artist rendition of khonsu the 4th endbringer, who teleports every few hours and destroys cities.

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ahh yes i see the resemblance there XD I’ll maybe give it a read

Get rid of the giant tire and replace it with a hook and scrap gun and you got your self a female roadhog!

Tbh I’ve never seen any fat female bionicles on the fourms

Expect for toa of red pins.

and I guess Famine here (If she is a god or deity) could make a whole world go into a famine (Ignore me I’m trying to make sense of her name.)

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What an original and unique torso build. I love it.
I also really like the weapon, reminds me of something Darksouls 3.