Fate Series Discussion

…d’you think Fate/Hollow Ataraxia will get an anime? IDK why but I like it

This is the best thing in the thread.

He’s so right, but if you’ve seen the pilot, the damage is like, more or less done. The big jawdropper coughSakuracough is in episode one of Fate/Zero.

and so long as it doesn’t spoil the best route as you say, amirite

Ataraxia is probably better than F/SN, (heresy, I know, but still), but I can’t see it really happening, unless they somehow squeeze it in as a F/SN OVA.


Both Fate and Metal Gear are both shining examples of RELEASE ORDER ONLY

After that you can do stuff chronologically


So got to admit, never heard of this. Someone explain what it is about? :3

alrighty then, grab a seat and some popcorn.

its about seal team six and their assault on bin laden’s base

it’s about wizards MAGES and s$#%. (They don’t like being called wizards I assume)

some pleeb named Shirou is a Mage and he summons a persona Servant (by complete accident) and is forced into RUSTLEMANIA XIV A MAGIC DEATHMATCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL. (And if you play the visual novel, there’s “less appropriate” things)

Don’t watch Fate/Zero first like many plebs have, nor Unlimited Blade Works until you play/watch a lets play of the visual novel, cause Zero is a prequel and UBW is the 2nd route.

There was an anime of the 1st route in '06, but we don’t talk about that.
It was terribad


Wait, did you really do that? Watch a lets play? Gods no, you’ve gotta take your time with a VN, lol.

My experience with this last eight months of doing nothing but reading VNs has led me to believe that the Visual Novel is like an expensive dish. You don’t wolf it down, you gotta savor the taste, ya know?

And you didn’t even go over the whole idea of the Grail War, which was the main draw to the series for me at least. Imma try explain it with less comedy =P

Alright. So what Lelouch said, but the Holy Grail war is much cooler than that. It is at its core a deathmatch, yeah, but the big thing about it is that the six “Masters” summon these yes, personas Servants, who are heroic spirits from assorted legends and fairy tales.
Personally, I can’t recommend anything less than playing for yourself the Fate/Stay Night visual novel. I think that it’s the best way to enjoy it.

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Only for UBW. Mainly cause I wanted to start the anime.

Best part was the fact that the guy uploaded the “naughty parts” as an unlisted 18+ video linked only on his Facebook page.

Found this.


Ok guys, so.

What series should I start, the 2006 or?

You said series, but the VN is the way to do it. Still, I can see why you wouldn’t want to bother installing and patching it at the same time.

The Ufotable adaption is the best, and I think it started in 2014, IIRC. It’s also finished running so you can binge the entire thing if you so choose.


Visual novel is the way to go, bud.

I mean, you can watch the '06 series, if you’re a masochist.


God, I should get get back to watching F/SN. Bought some DVDs a few months ago and I’m not even halfway through them.


I’m going to assume DVDs of the 06 series.


Money could’ve gone towards the internet used to pirate the visual novel.

If not, how


This sentence. Perfect.

Essentially, people, just make the effort to download the VN. It’s a better experience. The writing is godlike, characters are sublime, the soundtrack is immaculate and it could probably run on a plank of wood with an LCD screen, if you’re concerned about that.

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the visual novel + some hand picked KH songs = feels

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Speaking of songs, I dunno how this question hasn’t been asked yet…

Favorite Emiya theme?
Mine’s Emiya #2 from F/HA.

oh man

oh lawdy jebus habe mercy


U jelly or naw?

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They adapted the good end.


It’s only 10 mins long

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This is hella unexpected.

I thought Fate/Zero was awesome. I tried getting into the others (F/SN and F/SN UBW) but I only watched a bit, I can’t say they are even close to the same league as Fate/Zero.That’s not to say they are bad though. I know a lot of people will flip out at me for watching this way but I generally think it’s ok to watch in that order. For me Fate/Zero is perfectly fine as a stand alone series.

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