Favorite Final Bosses

Ansem in KH1

Xemnas in KH2

Gol and Maya from Jak and Daxter

There’s some more that I would list but I’m too lazy.

Their are alot of Final boss fights for me that rub me the wrong way.

The Moon Presence from Bloodborne was way too easy, The Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne: The Old Hunters was way too hard, Lord Gwyn from Dark Souls was super annoying, Manus from Dark Souls: Artorias of The Abyss can be easily cheesed, Nasshandra from Dark Souls II is insultingly easy, The Final Boss of Demon’s Souls isn’t even really a boss fight, I accidently made the Alduin boss fight from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim way too easy, The Cyber Demon in Doom 3 I find super boring, Zeus from God Of war II was ultra annoying, anything from a fighting game is way too cheap, YOU CAN’T EVEN LOSE TO THE NEUTRAL AND TRUE PACIFIST BOSS FIGHTS IN UNDERTALE, and anything else is just not that memorable.

I think the only final boss fight I could call my favorite is the General Corrosive Boss fights from Metal Arms: Glitch in the system. The lead up to the second part is utterly amazing and the second part feels pretty epic and actually doable.

If you’ve never played Super Godzilla, you have not experienced true pain.


You actually played that game?

Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase?

Yeah, spent ages on that game xD Was actually rather enjoyable in the sense of a challenging game - though some levels were frustrating.


The loading screen from Sonic 06


The loading screen from Lego Island 2


ZeRo - Smash 4: for glory mode

All the Metroid prime final bosses are fun

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Black hole in universe sandbox.

Favorite will always be Pixy from Ace Combat Zero. Amazing music, amazing background surrounding the fight that happens, and an absolutely amazing atmosphere make it probably the best boss fight from any game that I’ve played.

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Tabuu from Brawl was cool.
The final boss of Crysis was really nice as well.
And the Nihilanth from Half life.

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Grunty from Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Nuts ‘n’ Bolts respectively.

Bowser from Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy

Marx Soul from Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)

Master Hand from SSB and Tabuu from SSBB

Probably more, but can’t think of any at the moment.


@Scarilian I remember fighting that stupid Phatom Virus, he was cheap and it didn’t help that Scooby could barely move fast enough to avoid him. Great music though.


I feel like I’m speaking for @blu and myself when I say this.
Huge Undertale Spoiler!

The Sonic Adventure final boss fights were pretty cool, from what I recall.

Oh yeah. OOT’s Ganon fight was freakin’ awesome!


This doesn’t truly count as a final boss, but I have to say I immensely enjoyed the final fight with Ghirahim in LOZ: Skyward Sword. It was everything I had been looking forward to for a final showdown, and the actual final boss, Demise, was only icing on the elegant demon lord swag cake.

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My favorite final boss would have to be…

Gehrman, the First Hunter (Yes, I know that the Moon Presence is the true final boss, but Gehrman is still a final boss, depending on what ending you get). I absolutely love everything about that boss. He’s challenging, but not the hardest boss (which is good, because the whole “final boss needs to be the hardest boss” mentality really bugs me) the music and scenery were also great.

use this to spoil

[spoiler.] hidden text [/spoiler.]

remove both periods and it will look like this:

hidden text

Thanks man

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IDK if he counts as a final boss, but Galacta Knight from the Kirby Series is one of my favorite bosses ever.

Although he’s very similar to Meta Knight as far as attacks go, he is definitely harder, and has amazing music that plays during his fight:

If he doesn’t count, then I suppose 02 would be next best thing. Very intense fight, and it holds a lot of nostalgia for me.

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