Favorite Final Bosses

I do not play many video games. so I really don’t have one, Lockdown from Transformers rise of the dark spark is a good boss, he is just kinda annoying and hard.

(Until you exploit special abilities, cause then you can just turn him to slag with his own attacks.)

Darth Vader from the ds port of the force unleashed

I liked Magolor better, but Galacta Knight was cool too.

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Need I say more?


I knew someone else would say it!

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Yeah, he was pretty cool, but IDK. Kinda seemed like a retread of Marx/Marx Soul in a lot of ways.

Then again, Galacta Knight is a retread of Meta Knight, so I can’t really judge. :stuck_out_tongue:


Agreed, was just about to mention that boss fight when I entered this thread. Probably the best final boss fight in that series.

And the music that plays during that fight is sooo good…

Kingdom Hearts II may not have had the hardest final boss, but ■■■■ was it the most fun I had throughout the entire game
just that sense of epicness

what else…
Oh yeah, every final undertale boss was a pretty good time.

not to mention , Ratchet and Clank had quite a few fun final bossfights,

Metal Gear Rising Bossfights
All Over the Top

But I do enjoy doing the Kali Ma to the Final Boss


I’m not a complete maniac over this game as many are but…

Me during the whole fight:


Welp, I think the new Kirby just gave me a new favorite final boss.



Tough decision.

It may be The Boss from MGS3.


Dagoth Ur from Morrowind.


Human Raziel in Soul reaver 2.

Another one from me
Though the game is not out yet
DIO over Heaven

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I don’t, sadly.

It looks much better than TD though.

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Oh. You’re talking about Queen Sectonia then. I’ll admit, I thought that fight was pretty fun, especially with the music. Definitely something different from any other Kirby game I’ve played.

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I really did like Sectonia’s fight, I just didn’t think Triple Deluxe was as fun as RtD. Planet Robobot actually looks incredible. The final boss (I had to spoil it for myself, I couldn’t help it :sweat_smile:) is… something else.

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I’ve yet to see Robobot’s final boss, but now I’m excited.

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