Here, You can post about games or franchises you has heard of, and possibly learn of fun games and tell others about some of your favorites. I’ll go first.
Ape Escape, for the original PlayStation, is an action platformer where you play as Spike, a young child that has been tasked with making sure that monkeys don’t take over the world using a time machine. It has really tight (and unusual) controls and a lot of different levels.
Monster hunter. Been on play station, Wii, Wii U, psp, ps3 (only in Japan) and 3ds. Great game where you hunt larger life monsters, controls take a while to get used to. Really popular in Japan (bigger than Mario), but pretty niche in the west, gaining popularity though
Um… Ace Combat maybe? I don’t know, but now that I think about, I can’t really come up with any games that I like that is also quite obscure. I’d guess Ace Combat is the closest thing to that, seeing as I literally never heard of that series until I just randomly saw a trailer for a new one back in 2011, and outside of fan sites and Reddit I very rarely see someone talk about it.