Favorite Star Wars Vehicle?

My personal favorite is the Imperial v wing which are the ships zooming away from the star destroyer at the end of revenge of the sith


I’m a big fan of the Millennium Falcon; It just screams “Star Wars”.

Look-wise, my favorite has to be the Snowspeeder. It just looks so sleek.

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Chewbaka x C3-P0 for the wi-
Ah right, wrong ship

Slave one will always be the best ship quite honestly. It’s just so COOL


Mine must be the Twilight from the Clone Wars

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The Super Star Destroyer!

Literally miles long!

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x-wing on my miiiiinnndd

And that ole’ sweet song

Keeps X-Wing

x-wing on my miiiiiinnnnndd

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My favorite ship is Hans Solo x Himself.

It’s actually the entire Death Star

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The Venator and Acclamator Star Destroyers.


Millenium Falcon,

Definitely the Imperial Shuttle.

That one ship they had in The Force Unleashed

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The Maruader?

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No, the Rogue Shadow.


I like Dynamic Class starcraft such as the Ebon Hawk.

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The Jedi Star fighter (Blade) is my favorite.
I also like the B and A wings.

I have a lot of favorites

but of the Tie’s, I gotta say the Interceptor

Singular ship: Millenium Flaclon.

Ship type: X-wing.


probably a three way tie between the t70 X-wing

Royal guard version of the Tie Interceptor
and the Starviper

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Well, there are just too many to choose from…
The Naboo Starfighter always looked pretty cool…
The Rogue Shadow is also pretty nice…
…and so is the Ebon Hawk…
…but I think my all time favorite in terms of looks would have to be the Azure Angel, Anakin’s custom starfighter.


I was always an x-wing fan

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