I personally like peperoni, what about you guys?
all of them
Banana peppers, anchovies, Italian sausage, are my top three.
Also, a little off topic and a little bit heritic, but I prefer my pizza with no cheese.
Pepperoni, sausage, banana peppers, and salami are some of my favorites.
No pizza is truly worth enjoying without sundried tomatoes
Basically anything, but peppers, onions, olives and pepperoni rank the highest in my book.
A mixture between Spinach, feta cheese and spinach.
Beef, so long as it’s done right. Pizzerias often have it in this weird mushy form.
Definitely NOT pineapple.
I’m a big fan of mushrooms on pizza.
mushrooms and pepperoni, sometimes pineapple
imma be killed now…
My favorite is pineapple and ham, although bacon is fantastic, mushrooms, cheese, egg and sometimes beef
I quite like olives and crushed red peppers.
Italian sausage (and bacon)
Sausage, pepperoni, chicken…yeah. meat.
yeaah pepperoni is so gud
and a few mushrooms is aight
i also tried with some salami once,was pretty good
everytime someone says this my life is shortened by 10 years
Well then…allow me to help you.
I am totally okay with pineapple on pizza, pineapple is not my favorite topping, but I enjoy eating pineapple on my pizza. I also quite enjoy other pineapple dishes, and I eagerly look forward to mustard on my pineapples. I also like just straight, normal pineapple, and I find that pineapple is quite applicable to a wide variety of dishes. Now pineapple is not my favorite fruit, but for being pineapple I am totally okay with it being pineapple.
Ew, toppings. I only like my pizza plain.
I tend to eat just plain pepperoni pizza, but my second favorite is definitely pineapple and ham. Don’t ask me why I like it, I just do.