First Game You Ever Played?

Sonic the Headgehog, which is the only “real” video game I’ve ever played.

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MNOG I believe it was. The second was probably LoZ; OoT.

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I remember playing some Humungous games like Putt Putt as a pup, and also my Dad let me play Quake and Unreal on his computer.

First game I ever owned was Sonic Advance. I still have that same cartridge to this day.

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Come on how did this thread die. This has to be one of the most legendary topics ever. If I can remember correctly the first video game I every played was the first angry birds ( I think, can’t be sure though. could have played something earlier ). Lets try to get this thread popular.

It’s probably Nampo arcade on the PS2, but it’s possible that I played Sonic 2 first on the game gear.

I think the first game I ever played was Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit on Playstation.

Countless hours on the track editor in LEGO Stunt Rally for PC.

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That weird penguin sledding game
Don’t know it’s name but here’s a picture


Life. Really weird game but I guess it’s worth it.


Creator Islands on the old Lego website… wait, you mean console games? Mario Kart Wii. I even remember my first “combination:” Baby Mario on the baby carriage car (I forget what it’s called).


First game I ever played was that game that came preloaded on the PC wherein you are a little mouse and you gotta trap the cats and turn em into cheese. Could possibly be that pinball game you could hack into and move the ball with the mouse and get a bazillion points if you place it just right on the flappy thing. One of those