Fortunately, Unfortunately (GAME)

Unfortunately, it’s the Cordax moc version of turnip boy, who looks like a wrinkly old man for some reason, and due to his increased age is unable to comply with any requests.

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Fortunately, the IRS discovers that they owe you far more than enough to bail you out of prison for tax evasion.

Unfortunately, this is a space prison, so planetary dollars mean nothing.

Fortunately, there is a machine that can turn planetary dollars into space dollars.

Unfortunately, it is run by McGick Printing Federation, which is run by @Ghid , who wrathfully demands a 100% charge on all money conversions.

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Fortunately, you’ve read all three of Ghid’s books so he offers you a 100% reader’s discount.

Unfortunately, He’s books been banned by multiple school districts.

Fortunately, he’s shown up at your house at 3 am with hardcover copies of the books.

Unfortunately, you are too tired to read them.

Unfortunately, you’re out of Monster.
Whoops, meant fortunately…

…fortunately, you open your eyes and realize you slept comfortably.

Unfortunately, Ghid is creepily leaning over your bed.

Fortunately Ghid is arrested for being creepy by the police.

Unfortunately, that was only your dream from last night

Fortunately, it was all true.

Unfortunately, you’re closer to the truth than you ever imagined…

Fortunately, you don’t have to believe the truth.

Unfortunately, it’s still true.

Fortunately, you could just dismiss it as another dream.

Unfortunately, you find that your floor just ceased to exist,

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