Fortunately, Unfortunately (GAME)

Unfortunately, then Unicron awoke and crushed everyone there under his heel

Unfortunately it was The BAYFORMERS Optimus Prime and he Throws Tahu into an Escapable cell

Fortunately, this game is structured in a way that allows dumb arguments, and double replies. /jk

Fortunately, Tahu felt the power and escaped the escapable prison, and united the Masters, Autobots, and Decepticons to defeat Unicron.


Unfortunately, Kopaka slipped, so the group was held back.


Fortunately Pohatus Still EDGY

That’s a necessary evil; It’s just the way the game’s structured.

Unfortunately, the Team is then eaten by a Whale, never to be seen again.

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Fortunately, it was all a terrible dream. [Twist Intesifies]


Unfortunately It was a M. Night Shalyman Plot Twist

Fortunately, the movie was produced by Michael Bay and JJ Abrams.

Unfortunately, the world was destroyed by all the explosions.

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Fortunately, A small ship of people were out doing space stuff when the Planet Exploded, allowing the Human Race to live on.

Unfortunately these people were a bunch of Insane people with their Animals along with robots with Artificial Intelligence

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Fortunately they all had cocaine to sustain their mental states and preserve the Human race as a group of albino, cocaine-addicted, blind simpletons, too stupid to recognize their ow stupidity! However, the Bionicle race (whatever their overall race is called), lived on! Though, the Toa Metru did not.

Unfortunately they ran out of cocaine and all went insane on a matoran killing riot reducing the bionicle population by half

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Fortunately That was Retconned because of 2015

Unfortunately, Merlin P. Mann de-retconed it.

Fortunately Greg Cut him out of the Picture

Unfortunately the scissors Greg used were dull so there is still a jagged Merlin p Mann oh there

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Fortunately, Greg went 200% nuclear and nuked the nuke and stuff

Unfortunately, being 200% nuclear causes you to be extremely unstable. Greg explodes.

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