Was smashed by Kiryu, who tuned to see______
The Ultimate Master of Mangosteen, Eljay!
Eljay then summoned _____
Another Eljay,
And then they _____
…swung their Mangosteen blades at Kiryo because______
they were drunk and both of them missed sending them flying across the room. Then Kiryo gave them back because he was _____
…trying to get on Eljay’s good side. Little did he know____
Eljay didn’t have a good side, then Eljay called upon _____
Mesonak, who called Eljay’s mask ___
Eljay, surprised that Mesonak didn’t call the Miru dumb, _____
kills Kahi, who at the time had awoken Whenua Metru from his sleep at LEGOLand because ____________
He had a lawsuit he needed to make.
Whenua reacted by _____
turning into a demonic angel and killing Weiss and Ruby, but Kyoryu and Shadezy bring back their Waifus and kill Whenua by __________
Unplugging him.
Then _____
Weiss and Ruby return to another certain topic.
Suddenly, ______ appears!
He yells _____
“It’s all ogre now!”
Weiss and Ruby come back from the Faction War. Ruby says _____________
“Oh das mah uncle!”
Then Burnie appears and _____
burns to death.
Viper begins using a flamethrower to burn down ___________
Ruby and Weiss
Suddenly, Sachiel appears and _______
Turns into MEM!
Then, MEM ______