Game: Ad-Libbing!

MEMs forever.

Suddenly, _____, thousands of them


And then a random Ekorak appears out of no where and _____

Tries to kill the mice using a mechanical hat.

Then, the hat transforms into ________!

P.S: At Ekorak, not Lelouch, sorry :smiley:


The shpee then _____

Eats Ekorak.

Ekorak does _____ inside the sphee’s belly.

The conga!

The shpee vomits him up and ____

Does the hokey pokey.

Ekorak, scared, _____

Gets bakestaybed by the adult spy protecting its young.
The spy starts _____

Resurrecting Ruby and Weiss.

They go back to the Faction War while Lelouch laughs at __________

Ekorak because he is eating bacon.

And then the TF2 Heavy shows up and ____


Oh, they ain’t dead.

Punches the spy.

The Shpee starts ____

bakestabeing every one!

Then Jerma 985 appears and______ the Shpee!


The Shpee then ______ .

turns into Blake, who proceeds to __________

Pull our her swords and slice everyone.

And then a popsicle appears and comes to life, and then _____

Morphs into Kopaka.
Mysteriously a huge red scythe appears and is held by_____

A chicken!

The chicken turns the scythe into a _____

The Einsteinium Exterminator jumps out of one topic into_____

A frying pan!

The chicken starts _____