Glatorian Soki, Former Toa of Plasma

Soki is a former Toa that fell into the grasp of pride and money from Glatorian battles; equipped with his elemental powers he won battle after battle, quickly rose to the top and easily became a crowd favorite.


Looks really great for how simplistic it seems. I love that rifle thing for the weapon!


This is quite nice–clean and solid. I really like the weapon too.

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As others have said, this is a good build; clean, yet simple.

What I really love, though, is the backstory. It’s a really interesting idea of what would eventually happen on the Matoran/Agori society. Even if the Arena battles are no longer necessary for resources, they would probably still happen for entertainment. And what could be more entertaining than superpowered (relative to the Glatorian) beings?

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Glatorian: Fight well!
*bump fists
Soki: incinerates their head


Really cool design! My only complaint is how little white there is; unless that’s just a consequence of the render, it’s only on the thighs and back of the torso.

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ok, love the look of this guy, coolest moc ive seen in a while

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