There’s going to be a poll to determine the next contest so there’s a chance the golden-skinned being might not be second to last after all. I personally think he should’ve been the first contest as he would’ve made a better guinea pig than Helryx, but I digress.
Anyways, here’s two MOCs of the golden-skinned being that I really like. 4450’s MOC is a combiner while Maddoc’s MOC takes some liberties. I think the golden skinned being could work with either black, blue, or white accents in order to reflect Irnakk. It would make the 4450’s combiner MOC more feasible and could give room for mocists to take liberties. Black and gold looks good, as shown with Reidak.
Another interpretation I really like is
Ayrtom’s drawing. A brickbuilt head would be able to reflect his drawing more effectively than using Irnakk’s spine. I imagine the golden-skinned being with either Irnakk’s spine, a brick built head, or the piece used on Scarox’s face.
Here’s some descriptions of the golden skinned being in canon. While I don’t care for the golden-skinned being as a character, I am interested to see more visual interpretations of the character.
A mixture of a Zyglak, a Vortixx, a Steltian laborer, and the five surviving Piraka, it had been created by the barbaric Skakdi in an elaborate ritual. And now it was free.
Towering 12 feet high, with gleaming golden skin, powerful muscles, and piercing green eyes, it regarded the assembled Skakdi with the benevolent gaze of a creator. Only the vaguely reptilian cast of its face took away from its stunning appearance.
The newcomer was twelve feet tall, with golden skin and rippling muscles. Its eyes and face were vaguely reptilian, and it looked at Annona through the narrow slits of those eyes.