Golden Skinned Being Inspiration

Probably something akin to a god, so more along the lines of perfection.
He pretty much acts like a god too.


i imagine an ant sized zaktan just running around yelling at people and jumping in the pool


Long Live Sobek


Another question: How big do you imagine the GSB to be in universe? I can see him being anywhere from titan-sized, to towering over buildings

Also, few days ago I had the weird idea to give the GSB eyes on other parts of his body like his palms and pecs. I dunno, maybe Iā€™ll do it.


I imagine him to be around 12 feet tall, because he is.

From Reign of Shadows:

ā€œTowering 12 feet high, with gleaming golden skin, powerful muscles, and piercing green eyes, it regarded the assembled Skakdi with the benevolent gaze of a creator. Only the vaguely reptilian cast of its face took away from its stunning appearance.ā€

Honestly, this quote is all you need

  • 12 feet tall
  • Has skin
  • Muscles
  • Is gold
  • Green eyes
  • Reptilian face (vaguely)
  • Stunning Appearance

That would certainly give him a Stunning Appearance, but not in the good way that the quote seems to imply.

I could see extra eyes on its face though.


Iā€™m making a big lizard man that useā€™s Zaktanā€™s weapon as head frills


oh yeah, I forgot.

yeah, probably

that would surely be cool, but thereā€™s still the possibility that the GSB contest will be art only.

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Gee, arenā€™t you a lot of fun


gsb will be a metru build

Honestly heā€™s going to be a significant challenge - make a massive pile of gold look like a well-structured character - and I look forward to the MOC contest for that guy. Heck, I might even enter it for once.


Not sure why that is necessary, Iā€™d rather have both tbh. But on the bright-side, people wonā€™t buy out every pearl gold piece in existence.


The biggest reason is that the Golden-Skinned Beings has actual skin.

No amount of stylization can make Bionicle parts look like skin.


Actually, all bionicle characters have skin. They just have armour over it.

Which raises an interesting point: the GSB could be gold with a different colour armour.


Remember that you can use any official lego piece to build the GSB. Sails, wings, cloth pieces are included. With some work you can get some pretty good skin out of them.


Do they?

I was under the impression that their armour was directly attached to their metallic skeleton. No skin.


I stand corrected.
I was going off a quote from Time Trap that implied non-Makuta have skin :

ā€œSome of them would make my skin crawlā€¦ If I had skin.ā€ -Teridactyl


Fair enough. Iā€™m pretty sure that some Rahi have skin (Lava Eel, for one), so Teridax would definitely be familiar with the concept.


I think itā€™s a bit of a disservice to say that thereā€™s absolutely no way for a moc to look like it has skin, or that thereā€™s no way for an artistic rendering to make a stylised version of the moc that had skin. Folks can and will surprise you.


How many come in gold, though?

I honestly have no clue. It doesnā€™t seem like there would be very many, but maybe Iā€™m wrong.

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Sure cloth pieces could be used to look like skin, but how many golden lego cloth pieces exist?

I think itā€™d be possible to make a good organic looking GSB, but it would probably require a lot of pieces and some advanced building techniques.

Anyway, I was looking at some GSB Mocs yesterday. I really like this one(made by @Likus)


There are a lot of gold dragon wings wich would also give a nice scaly texture. Also, I donā€™t remember it being against the rules to paint a cloth piece. It isnā€™t the best solution but it would technically be allowed. A tan cloth piece with a dusting of gold spray paint would look pretty good. Cloth pieces are also easy to replicate wich means that nobody would have to paint a piece (except the original entry) because for 3ā‚¬ you can get a piece of gold cloth at the fabric store.