Great Beings Discussion

If there are infinite universes and each one is different in some way, then you shouldn’t expect things to be somewhat the same in every universe. You can’t even rely on the laws of physics to be the same in each universe.


I think CTK is misunderstanding. If we’re talking real life or even the majority of fiction - sure, humans almost always exist. But Bionicle is a work of fiction where science and the laws of reality work differently and there is no such thing as humans in any possible universe within that story. At all.

I understand that you’re stubborn, nothing inherently wrong with that, but the theory you’re trying to push here is entirely impossible within the bounds of the official story. I would suggest instead treating this like a headcanon.[quote=“ColdGoldLazarus, post:34, topic:7396, full:true”]
First off - she.[/quote]I was referring to Greg Farshtey. I should have made that more clear, sorry. :p


[quote=“Chro, post:42, topic:7396”]
I was referring to Greg Farshtey. I should have made that more clear, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote] Ah, that makes a lot more sense. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Chro, post:42, topic:7396”]
I understand that you’re stubborn, nothing inherently wrong with that, but the theory you’re trying to push here is entirely impossible within the bounds of the official story. I would suggest instead treating this like a headcanon.
[/quote] Just so we’re not having any misunderstandings, what theory do you think I’m trying to push?

Actually, from the ametuer knowledge of physics I’ve picked up from my mother (who is a geologist, physicist, and electrical engineer) that part is not actually true.

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I love about how this is no longer about the Great Beings :stuck_out_tongue:


Again, talking to CTK, not you. :p


Well no matter what the case, at least I made a topic that generated discussion.

So do the Great Beings wear masks?

I don’t think the Great Beings are humans, per se, but I do think they’re completely organic beings that are similar to the Glatorian and Agori. From the comics we can infer they’re roughly the same size, so they aren’t a super massive titanic species or whatever.

It’s occurred to me a couple times that they’re humans, but I’m more inclined to think they’re the first of their species that were originally completely organic. I mean come on, humans aren’t the only organic lifeforms out there, at least in SiFi.

I imagine the Great Beings were highly ascended forms of their species and granted incredible power. But, similarly to humans, they were also susceptible to greed and lust. They also took lots of risks, such as attempting to make their own species biomechanical rather than organic to give them things such as increased agility, stamina, and most importantly immortality.

Sound familiar?

I can really get behind Greg’s reasoning for not having humans at all in the BIONICLE universe and multiverse. It’s really a good thing, as there’s so many stories that eventually tie into having humans and making them the saviors of everything. It’s annoying, overdone, and really shouldn’t be involved in BIONICLE even if they’re not the main focus.

I really like the sound of that.

And for anyone else who decides to read through this topic now: I know, I know; BS01 is a million times better than Bionicle Wikia. This Topic was made a long time ago (like seven months prior to me posting this reply). Just doing some preventative maintenance.

The best part is it’s exactly what some scientists or whatever are trying to do now – give themselves immortality.

Why did you include my disclaimer when you quoted me?

I’ve always kinda wanted/not wanted the GBs to be humans–I wanted it because it just makes so much sense. The GBs are so like us (organic, intelligent, and yet full of remarkably stupid ideas) and it just makes sense that they might be interstellar travelers who came down on Spherus Magna and were made into rulers.

On the other hand, the “no humans” philosophy has worked thus far, and prevented the story from unnecessarily diverging from its core focus to elaborate on “the human connection.”

So, yeah, I can’t decide.

There’s plenty of biological aliens in fiction similar to humans.

So, I think someone mentioned this earlier but the laws of physics don’t necessarily apply in other universes, in fact other universes my have more than the four dimensions we have (length, width, height, and time). It’s possible that the great beings are in fact some sort of fifth dimensional being that exists in all places and in all times, it would explain why they were able to know the future and create prophesies for the matoran. Now as far as all of the similarities of culture and naming of things such as iron and steel, I point to Convergent Evolution. To summarize for all those who don’t care enough to click on the link and read an article for days, Convergent Evolution is a theory where to species with no common ancestor evolve similar features. This provides a perfect explanation for why the inhabitants of the Bionicle multiverse share characteristics with humans. As far as who exactly the great beings are, the main thing we know is that they are scientists with very advanced technology, how advanced we don’t really know, just that it’s really advanced. Advanced enough to build the GSR. Honestly that’s all we know, and that’s really all we can get for sure, I mean we could probably conclude that they are bipedal with two arms and two legs based on most of their creations which would probably be made in their image, but other than that their physical characteristics are a complete mystery to us, and will remain that way until someone with the authority to canonize things says otherwise. Sadly this mystery is unsolvable.

Greg confirmed that they are organic when he was asked:
Are the great beings

  1. Mechanical

In “Mata Nui’s Guide to Bara Magna” the narrator explicitly calls the Great Beings “men and women”, implying that they are humans of some kind. I have theorized before that not only were the Great Beings humans, they were the real-life people who wrote the BIONICLE story. But that’s just a theory. A BIONICLE theory! Thanks for watching!


I wonder if the Great Beings were meant to be a representation of kids playing with their LEGOs.

plot twist: the imprisoned great being was just in an extended time out this whole time

We do know that the BIONICLE universe exists in the LEGO Movie so maybe!

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It doesn’t have to imply that.

I just realized, there are a few story serials that refer to Glatorian as men. Are Glatorian humans too? Men must refer to a species in BIONICLE, otherwise why would it be written that way? Why not just call them comrades or troops or gladiators or warriors?