Gresh CCBS Revamp

Here’s a Gresh revamp I made as sort of an experimental Glatorian build. The idea was that Spherus Magna inhabitants are mostly organic, as opposed to the biomechanical Toa and Matoran, and I wanted to convey that difference through the use of CCBS.

The build is mostly CCBS, but uses some system and technic parts to fill out some areas. I tried to make this MOC resemble the original as much as possible, with some elements from the Stars version. It also has a gear function because it’s one of my MOC’s so of course it does.

The mask is not available in Studio; I made it myself by tweaking the model from Glatorian Arena. I’ve included the mask in the link to the Studio file.


I kept height in mind when building Gresh, so he’s roughly the same height as my average Toa build, but has longer legs and a shorter torso.

More Images

Studio File (includes the files for the mask):

Parts Packs Used:
The Biopack (SwampKryakwa, Lehvak Nuva)
The Galvapack (Galva, VootCaboot)


Good call on the intentional organic look. You don’t see many Glatorian revamps, and you see even less that try to avoid “Bionicle parts”. I’d say you pulled off the organic look about as good as possible with CCBS pieces.

The weapons also look pretty cool.

The only criticism I can offer is the leaf pieces on his thighs; they work on the shoulders, but they look a little out of place elsewhere.

(Also, good choice to use the leaf pieces in the first place, to tie him to the Jungle Tribe better than the original set.)


YES. Thought of it myself.
Also, as people sometimes say…
Because he actually seems more muscled that he should be. Like skinny look fits Gresh better than anybody else, I think. I definetly recomend removing those:
Overall quite nice work though, and functioun is the ising on the cake.


Nice moc, but I’ve got just one complaint: the weapons. Gresh was my favorite glatorian set in no small part because of his weapons. It would look better, in my opinion of course, if you just used his original weapons. Other that that, it’s great

“mostly organic”

gear function

Seriously though, this is a nice revamp. Nice mix of the 09 and Stars forms, and definitely less mechanical-looking than your Toa builds.

Noted, I’ll see if I can find a better way to pull off the look if I have the time

I think if I removed those pieces the shoulder area would jut out a bit too much. I guess it’s just a matter of personal preference.

If I could use them I would, but Studio doesn’t have those parts. I’ll see if I can do something with them similar to what I did with the mask.

I know, that doesn’t make sense on the surface, hence why I used the Star Wars back piece to hide it a bit better.

Well, I’m glad the MOC seems to have worked in that regard.

Will you be updating Gresh? I saw some comments about the Bohrok eyes on the sides of his body, the leaves on his kness instead of the waist, the new silver weapons instead of the old ones from 2010. I love what you did for him, also Tahu and Takanuva look awesome! But can you give them their original masks while Takanuva remains silver with his good old staff of light from 2003? And remove the pieces on the sides of their bodies, i feel those pieces are unnecessary too.

I saw on Reddit that there might be a part pack with some Glatorian parts coming at some point, so a Gresh update is certainly something worth considering. Might even do a Glatorian collection similar to my Toa one if I can! As for the feedback, the weapons are pretty much placeholders while I wait for the actual parts to come out, while the other two issues should be fairly simple to fix. For the Toa, Takanuva’s side pieces are necessary to avoid having his sides exposed, while Tahu’s are meant to preserve the “piston-y” aesthetic. The other changes I could probably do though.

5 months later, GLATORIAN PARTS ARE HERE!!! (Credit to Turret3471, files can be found here) So of course I’ve got to update Gresh now, I can finally have him without the mediocre placeholder weapons.

But wait, there’s more…

and more will be coming soon!