Guilty Pleasures

My biggest guilty pleasure is mobile games. I hate em, they’re a huge waste of time and attention, yet I can’t stop playing them against my better judgement.


I’ve heard that The Room is good so there’s that one-in-a-million chance for a decent mobile game. But the game costs money so it doesn’t count.

I watched a horrible anime called Diabolik lovers.
It’s really cringe worthy (because of the dialogue) and not for everyone’s tastes. I just felt bad watching it.
It’s about a girl living in a huge mansion with 6 male vampires. You can guess that something unholy happens in there :smile:. No nudity or excessive fan service, but a bit inappropriate because of how those vampires treat her.

It’s like 50 shades of anime

Pls don’t judge me.


Music-wise, it’s definitely be “I Believe In A Thing Called Love” by The Darkness. :3

Movie-wise, it’d definitely be the Mortal Kombat movie. I know it’s cheesy and pretty bad, but I can’t help but love it. hides as even more people will probably mock me for this


Punching Indigogeek.



I don’t see how you’d feel guilty for doing so.


It says guilty pleasures, not your job.


Screaming “I’m a good driver!” every time I have to drive a car and forget my turn signal.


When I play video-games, especially computer games, I commentate… I do plan on starting a YouTube channel and playing video-games is going to be a small part of it, so I guess it’s practice? Especially when I play MNOG… I crack jokes and laugh at stuff in the game… Is that healthy?

Hmm the transformers movie series, the inika build and call of duty, yes I know its pretty much the same every year, but I am just a sucker for FPS games

Even though I joke about edginess with Welcome to the Black Parade
it’s actually a guilty pleasure o’ mine.

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I dont have guilty pleasure music or tv shows but i have a few guilty pleasure movies. Some of them are jurrasic park 2 the lost world, jurrasic world, tmnt (2014), and terminator genyisis

A confession: I really liked The Master of Disguise… “Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club?”

My guilty pleasure is basically watching B-movies, especially if they’re made by Asylum and/or include sharks.

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I remembered renting those on RedBox…good ole’ times.

I kind of enjoy Zoey 101 even though I’m a guy. And I enjoy the Bionicle Stars and the Twilight movies. They are so hilariously bad.

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Go to the “Unpopular Opinions” topic, please.

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guilt·y pleas·ure.


1.something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard:
Example: “everybody has a guilty pleasure—for me, it has to be mid 70s disco”

They actually are guilty pleasures, because I know they are bad and even complete garbage, yet I do kind of enjoy them.

I probably should have double-checked my own wording. : P

Or as I like to call it: “The Sole Even Remotely Decent Black Eyed Peas Song Ever Made”

The sentiment expressed seems genuine, this is the best performance I have ever seen Fergie give, and their simple and repetitive lyrics come across as honest and down to earth, as opposed to dumb, obnoxious or any of their usual pitfalls due to the subject matter not involving them bragging about how awesome they are. was still kinda flat, though.

But the other two guys were fine.


My parents tried to convince me that turtles actually said “turtle turtle turtle” when I was a kid.

For me, it’s eighties rock

I bless the rains down in aaaafricaaaa