Halo: Into the Howling Dark Definitive Edition RP

After Brandishing the “new” combat knife and storing the provision’s Nicolas looked around trying to find something to alert him to where his targets went, he noticed a slide mark, “Now I have a direction” a cruel smile then appeared on his face under his helmet

why is that that I can never post when everyone else is well then I guess it is a good thing I am doing my character this way.

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OOC: I like that your character is independent and all, but where is he? I’m about to send us on our first mission, so I want to know how to include you. Also, @RuthlessSkate94 , where’d you and @AlpineFalcon76 go?

IC: “Whenever Jasper returns, shouldn’t be too long.” Sky said.

ooc Im on the whatever planet you guys are going to be on first

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Cabis gets up from his chair and walks over to sky “what is our first mission commanda”

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“that’s something that I would be very interested in” alpha said for thomas

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@squeaverking jesus i didn’t know you guys started a new thread for this… I’m at school but when i get home ill start reading so i can respond.

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OOC, could you please put what you’re saying in OOC?

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OOC I thought it would be nice to have some action so I am going to have my character engage some URF


Nicolas was running down the hill he saw his targets. 5 Spartans he could only assume that were traitor and 10 normal soldiers, He unslung his br55 aimed then bit his lip and less than a second later death rang though the air. He caught one of the Spartans without his helmet and he went down instantly. Nicolas mouth then curved into a smile as the remaining Spartans scrambled to put on their helmets and activate their shields. the Spartans shields at that point had been activated so he focused on thinning the ranks of normal humans. Within 5 seconds the air was polluted with decay as 5 of the normal soldiers fell with three precise holes in their heads each leading to their shredded brains. The targets were then able to get into a formation Spartans upfront and for lack of a better term Marines behind. “hmm they might have just raised their odds of survival to 5% with that one” Nicolas jeered under his breath. He then armed a grenade, “but the formation is to tightly packed isn’t it” Nicolas whispered with a sigh but all while smiling. He threw the grenade and it detonated. it tore two of the marines in half and injured a third and broke the shields of a spartan. OOC I was going to go further but ran out of characters

OOC: So we’re not fighting URF for a while, and our first mission is to a Brute colony known as Rak Tann. It’d be fine if you were killing UNSC soldiers though, the URF is neutral toward the Last Regiment.

IC: @trev44 @Calebmar12 “So, our first mission? Probably to some old LR colony. So far it’s all the same. We go to an old battlefield or colony, salvage the wreckage, and build it up into our newer ships. That’s what I’ve been doing since I signed up. You should have seen what happened at Reach, we went there last year, and there were hundreds of ships we salvaged. We even found some Covenant ships, too. Not sure where most of the parts went, some went into the orbital stations you see on Titanus, a MAC gun was attached to the Short Straw over there,” Sky pointed to an array of metal hovering over the planet, Titanus’ stations. Then she gestured to an awkward looking vessel, the Short Straw, which appeared to have dual MAC guns, but with one of the two slapped on the side of it. “…The rest, I don’t know.” Sky explained.


“huh, that cannot be structurally stable. In any possible way.” Alpha thought out loud

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OOC he is UNSC and going to be a Minor antagonist that works behind everyone’s back this is just showing the threat he poses and I do plan on having some pretty cool stuff to go on in his sort of sub story before I guess he starts spying and overlooking you guys. also his team was chasing a cloaked URF ship that his team is about to board (I won’t actually have this) he is attacking their scouts that they basically just sent out.


So uh whats happening?

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Daily PSA


OOC: @bornfromfire9 I said no antagonists in the sign ups though

(Out Of Character) We’re in orbit of Titanus, where the Last Regiment has gathered their forces to deploy their new Spartan graduates. Admiral Jasper has briefly left, but will give us our first mission when he gets back When everyone introduces their characters to one another Sky is the leader of this group of Spartans.

OOC And an ODST, with an AI

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OOC: In that case, two Elites as well

IC: “I guess it’s not stable, but that’s stuff for the higher ups.” Sky said.


OOC no the plan is to not have him direct conflict just for him to basically work around them maybe cause them a bit of problems (like anger some Brutes who then attack the last regiment) and he can also be used to set up other plot related things but not a full antagonist (if it does happen Ill let you turn him into an npc boss or something and he could retreat and appear again later).

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“I still would not feel safe in such a construction”
“shut up alpha”
“got it tom”
Thomas walked over towards the window
“so, any Idea what we might face, and do they need to be here?” He said, looking at the elites

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OOC: Sounds good, go for it.

IC: @trev44 “If you haven’t noticed the literal hundreds of ex-Covenant on this ship, Jasper’s got a lot of diversity in the ranks.” Sky explained.

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