Hardest Boss Battles

I’d say that the final boss of Binary Domain is pretty tough, especially when at one point he becomes invincible until you revive one of your teammates (which doesn’t sound too hard unless you are out of medpacks and have used up all the medpacks around the arena, which at this point of the fight you probably have). Doesn’t help that it’s a 4 stage battle where the boss is in a giant mech…

EDIT: while it may not be a real boss battle, the second half of mission 12 (“Gauntlet”) in Strike Suit Zero is pretty darn hard considering you’re fighting the entire enemy fleet practically by yourself along with a few capital ships and a carrier you have to protect.

Fume Knight though.

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Although the only Souls game I’ve played is 1, I find myself skeptical when it comes to people saying Fume Knight is so difficult. I am much more convinced about Nameless King.
When you put Fume Knight up against Dunkenstein and Slamough, it makes me wonder how difficult he could really be.

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Twin Freaks from Dynamite Headdy was a nightmare.

Words can’t do it justice, but I’ll try. First of all, you’re being constantly chased in a narrow, spiky corridor. You have to vertically invert the stage by hitting a machine to get around obstacles. But here’s the thing: when you flip the stage, the boss flips its strategy. It’s normally green, throwing annoying, slow enemies at you while it slowly follows you. When you flip the stage, it turns red, and chases you at a blistering pace, so fast that you hardly have any time to react to where the next platforms are. Oh, and he’s invulnerable like that until you flip him back to green.

And you get instakilled if he steps on you. AND there are traps in which if you flip the screen, you’ll take damage.

It’d either have to be the Shadow Devil from Megaman X5, with its random patterns, where getting to close to him (which is almost impossible not to as Zero) takes away a good 3/4 of your health, and he takes up half the screen, or Chaos Chimera from Golden Sun Dark Dawn, where he gets 3 moves a turn, can kill most of your characters in two or three hits, and recovers 30 health each turn if it’s early on in the fight, or 100 if you’re actually doing good against him.

this guy… THIS GUY!

The Capra Demon.

The boss is easy alone, but the battle also gives him two poisonous attack dogs, lets him hit you before you even have the chance to bring up your shield, and pits you inside of a cereal box to fight him.

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I didn’t think the tester was that hard.

The torizo was worse because you had to use the finicky space jump.

Bebop in Hard Mode from TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan was insanely hard. In fact, pretty much every boss was insanely hard in Hard Mode. Normally Hard Mode isn’t as bad as you’d think but dang, they really made it bad on this one.

All the bosses in Shovel Knight. I generally suck at video games so I’ve been having a hard time beating Shovel Knight. So far, I’ve been able to beat up to Specter Knight, and that was a pain on it’s own.

dude, your going to hate the boss battle in the tower of fate. i’m not going to spoil anything but it took me ages to finish that sucker of a boss!

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Asylum demon with just a sword hilt is the only true way to play Dark Souls.

The escape door is for babies like me

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