Has BIONICLE/LEGO Ever Gotten You Into Trouble?

Don’t worry. I’m almost 17 and I have no clue what I want to do in life. :stuck_out_tongue:

thinking of going into the arts (drawing, painting, design, etc.), but my parents insist that there isn’t any real “job” available in that area

You’re still young, and there is no reason for you to come to the conclusion that you’ll be homeless.

Anyways back on topic,…


You guys have NICE parents!

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holy crap

the only issue I’ve had with lego is that one time, my family is fine with me liking it and my mom and dad even ask me from time to time what’s going on with bionicle and who they are fighting and when the books are coming out, hell they were even super happy for me when they found out bionicle was coming back

to keep on topic however, I did get in trouble for leaving some bricks out and my mom and dad accidentally stepped on them :stuck_out_tongue:


My dad once said that if he stepped on another LEGO then he would take them all away…


that’s… I can’t even

Your parents seem to be Bionicle fans as well :smile:

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well not as big as any of us but they’ll ask me what’s happening :stuck_out_tongue:


My parents once took away all my Lego stuff because I wasn’t doing well in school (this was back in sixth or seventh grade). That was a good thing, though, and I learned to prioritize my work and have since received my entire collection back again.

If I stay up really late building a new set that I just got, my parents get upset sometimes.

If anyone messes with my Lego stuff (I mean, really messes with it = destroys it), I tend to get angry. Then I get in trouble. Of course, if they’re my siblings, they get in trouble too, so they mostly leave my stuff alone.


I honestly don’t know why people (especially parents) have a problem with the LEGO hobby. It’s creative in so many ways: stop-motions involve writing, MOCing encourages thinking outside-the-box, etc, and they all teach patience. It seems like LEGO is the ultimate hobby. :smiley:

I never really get teased about my LEGO hobby at school. In fact, at the beginning of last school year (during some “get to know each other” exercises) I told everyone about it, yet I talked with pretty much everyone throughout the school year. I guess I’m not teased because of my athleticism and my outgoing nature. :confused: Now, at home, it’s a different story.


I kinda feel bad for you guys. My mom is pretty supportive of my Lego hobby and my dad is indifferent. Though sometimes he asks me what I’m making and stuff. My 2 older brothers don’t really care. I think that the only problems it causes is when my brother messes with my stuff. I get kinda possessive.


Well actually my grandparents(I have lived with them all life, my parents are in US) are fairly supportive, but my grandma says that I should spend less money and save some to get more parts for my computer. And I just realized my grandma is the best


Yea. My mom thinks that it is a good hobby, she just does not like how much money I spend (about twelve sets a year) but I used to be REALLY bad at writing. like the kind that makes you wonder if you are a good parent, but now I write some pretty good stories and she is fine with that! she thinks my time on MOCpages has taught me a lot about interaction and grammar. we all see LEGO as a good thing for me…but sometimes they would rather have me do something else…


Breaking news! Raptor writes better because of Lego! I wish I had that success(that would have been awesome!):sweat: I had to do English 101 before my writing actually improved… Although Lego has definitely bumped up my creativity.



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I am not kidding! it has really helped!

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I believe you, but it didn’t happen for me :sweat:

Are you on a mobile device?


I am never on a mobile device.

oh,…you were talking to Tak,


Lol ya, it’s just easier to use emojis verse the web smilies.

My parents are pretty chill about Bionicle.(and things in general) My mom is really understanding, and my dad is quite tolerant. He’s never been a collector of any kind, so I don’t think he fully understands my position, but he’s cool with whatever makes me happy. I’ve always been a relatively “mild” kid in practice. Nobody has ever had to worry about me doing bad things or making stupid mistakes, so in turn they’ve never been restrictive.

That, and they’ve spent their lives in various rebel and/or artistic communities and thus are very open minded people.