Has BIONICLE/LEGO Ever Gotten You Into Trouble?

Yeah I have a similar problem with sport junkies, and being a fairly “big” guy (100kg and about 1.80M) does not help at all, some of the guys at school say I should be doing kickboxing or rugby, heck I got threatened that if I didnt go to the gym they would throw away my bonkles, and well if it is lifting some weigths twice a week I dont care…


Yea. I am online-schooled so I do not see other people that often…


I know that feel, but on the other side of the spectrum.
5 foot 9 and one half and 110 pounds can attract some less than sensitive comments from the same kind of people who bug you.


Well sometimes people are just jerks, anything that is strange to them is “bad” or “weird” or “dorky”.


Why exactly?

My parents don’t really mind me having Bonkles as long as I don’t spend too much of my time on them. But when I do, (Moccing takes a ton of time), they tend to get annoyed. Whenever they hear the pieces from my bins hit the floor I can imagine them rolling their eyes. :stuck_out_tongue:

You must be pretty athletic! :muscle:

Yeah. They don’t understand the sheer enjoyment and satisfaction of designing a custom action figure. There is a lot of thought that goes into the design process, despite my parents always say that i’m basically just “playing” with them all the time. It’s an art!


Yup, more or less. That’s why I want to write something really good, get it published, and then (hopefully) sell a lot of copies. Because get revenge physically doesn’t quite go with, well, you know @RaptorTalon. Things we can’t talk about on the boards necessarily.

I once murdered someone and my Toa Mata Tahu ratted me out.


Pins and Needles

The Autobiography of xX_TChalla_Xx


@Oniwah I swear, sometimes that guy can be such a JERK! Can you even believe him? Ugh, I can’t believe he’s the toa’s leader, he’s so mean. I hate him so much.

@Rocksteady Heck yeah. You better believe it.
Pins and Needles, coming to a B&N near you

Edited for Double Post - Waj

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He thought they were just dumb toys for a while…

he does not any more.

I am tall with broad shoulders and I am pretty strong… but I was born to early, so I have bad lungs. and I used to suck at running, but I am better now, I can out run most people I know.

and when I told my friend that I like LEGO he could not believe me, I look like I should be murdering people while playing football. not playing with LEGO and sitting in my room all day.

I still like to play with Lego…

I am getting out of it, but I still like to pick up and dust off a older MOC and mess with it.

and it maybe an art…but ya know…I tend to enjoy it also as a toy.


but it is good to have a bit of payback if that person…takes it too far…

I have an example

but I will not say what it is here.

Man, That is why I never liked the Mata. they would not let you just kill someone. ya know?

Uh huh.

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Yeah, most people at my school could not believe the fact that I like legos and TFs, oh and some people say that I am a wookie…tall, hairy and with enough strength to rip someones arm off…


:no_mouth: You must be a very intimidating man. don’t murder me pls

Except Kopaka. He’s cool with it. :wink:

Is this you? (If you don’t fancy big, hairy men, don’t click)



…dark sunken eyes do not help when you are trying to not look like a murderer.

And yes, sometimes I have flipped out in church because people said things about LEGO when they had no friggen ground to stand on…

I have been asked that before…

for a twelve-year old I guess I am as scary as they get…

Yea… he may even help you if you are killing Tahu or Lewa…

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In about 20 years or so


What things?

Well in that case come at me bro. I’ll rek u quick-fast I swear on me mum /s

They Mocked mini-figs. and some older lady called them ‘Legos’…

I told her off…she was one of my youth leaders…and my mom got mad…yea.


Well, I think you should get used to that, specially with people nowdays, I am rather thankfull that my class is filled with geeks, none is bullied because most of `em are strong, and it is also said that in 20 years either I will be driving a truck in alaska, or will be an axe wielding hermit living in the middle of siberia


Not me…

I will be homeless because I am lazy.




No really…I have no clue what I want to do in life.