Hector Update

An update to everyone,s favourite old man bonkle Hector. It’s mostly just detailing fixes and filling in gaps that the old version had, I’ll leave a comparison photo for you all to pick apart.

Hector: The Old Inventor

Old version for comparison

“didn’t see you there”

He protec

But he also attac

“staring intensifies”

Flamethrower/buzzsaw in action


Thanks for checking out my stuff as always


The small texture of greebel help cover the frame and still maintain prior aesthetic.

The additional posing give Hector more personality and do you have a back shot?


Not this time around unfortunately, there’s nothing much to see really, just 2 barrels and a couple of gears

I like both versions. Great job.

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This is still great.

Aside from the flame/stud colour on his buzzsaw flamethrower, what’s different?

EDIT: It would be to my benefit to read the other posts I guess

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Quite a lot actually, mostly to do with coverage/proportions but also some added details like the smokestacks on his back and the sachels on his shoulders

I like this update a lot.

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