So, for my second topic on the Boards, I figured I’d follow up on a promise I made on my main MOC topic and create a separate topic for one of my MOCs. Time will tell if this becomes a regular thing, but here we have Heklion, the Second Toa.
clears throat
Heklion is- or was- the second Toa ever created and the first Toa of Fire. Directly after the creation of Helryx, the Great Beings created Heklion as a foil to her more…brutal tendencies, although the pair rarely fought alongside each other and are thus not considered a Toa team. Fair, kind and with a strong sense of justice, Heklion helped to write the first iteration of the Toa Code and disapproved of Helryx’s refusal to adhere to it (though never to her face). He was also known for his immense power, as well as his readiness to help Matoran- when the Visorak horde initially tried to spread beyond the island that now bears their name, Heklion was the first to defend against the swarm, beating them back singlehandedly on countless islands. For all his great power, though, Heklion disappeared en route to attack the horde at their island home base. No one knows what happened to his ship, his Matoran crew, or him, and no one even knows if he’s alive. At his last sighting, Heklion wore a Kanohi Juka, Mask of Bestowal, which allowed him to give another nearby being an elemental power equal in strength to his own for a limited time.
He wielded a sword made from a broken-off Suukorak mandible- one of his battle trophies, crafted into a weapon by grateful Matoran.
So that’s the lore for Heklion! I tried to fit it into the canon as best I could, and I think I did an okay job. Might build the third, fourth, etc. Toa at some point; depends on if I can find the parts. As for the build itself, it’s quite simple. The lower limbs were based on those of @Boogie 's Orde the Exhumed. He’s a bit skeletal, but since Helryx hails from the same era and she’s described as “disturbingly frail”, it kind of fits. Regarding the name, I wanted Heklion’s name to begin with an H-E, just like Helryx, and if I build more Toa in the “series”, I’m going to continue the naming pattern. His mask is attached to a G2 head, and a happy accident of its connection means it can do this:
Here he is from behind…
…and here’s a more neutral pose, minus the sword.
The sword design has actually been updated since I took these photos, by the way, and I’m too lazy to upload a new one.
That’s all for Heklion. If I feel like it I might make more topics for my other MOCs once I get the photos uploaded, so if you feel like looking out for that, please do.