I built my own bendy noodle girl! It’s a really cute build haha
Where’s the mace
wHeRe’S yOuR fAcE?
Another question, are the hoses flat silver or pearl light gray?
Nest design ever
@Giratina For replication purposes this is important info
…mmmm maybe make the torso taller.
Thank you for this
Already an improvement
I now consider this her official title.
Anyone who does not say this in its entirety is not a true follower.
We all come from base versions of ourselves. I truly believe this to be canon already.
this is awesome!
Ah, so this is Ground Zero for the disaster that has transpired. Savor this moment gentlemen, for we stand on historic ground in the bionicle fandom.
This contest was the final straw that made me finally create an account today. The other entries are amazing in so many ways, but this one has a kind of charm to its simplicity. Rarely should a MOC this basic be made the winner, but it subtly implies a few brilliant things imo. For example, not all great MOCs require deep technical skill and/or detail. This Toa’s height appears to be approximately similar (probably a bit shorter) to that of the Toa Mata, or at least it appears that way from this initial impression. Practically, this model is reasonably/easily replicable for most fans who’ve amassed a decent variety of parts. Most of all, it’s a fun MOC! The other entries wowed me but this one made me smile. It feels like a joke but is also a solid build if I dare say. Admittedly, I don’t know much about Helryx’s official lore atm other than being 1st Toa. Hoseryx here doesn’t look built for combat in a conventional sense, but I don’t imagine the original Toa would have been anyways. This would add to Bionicle’s progression, I think. Fan or not of this build, it is entertaining and interesting… and much like evolution in biology, modern life stems from nature’s odd, simple, complex, original, yet functional roots. This entry def rubs certain people the wrong way; I know what it’s like to put in a lot of effort into a project, only to be outdone by satire. While it may not be considered satire by the artist, it no doubt evokes that unintended reaction to some degree in many regardless. Looking back, I don’t mind even if it were and this here is a shining example as to why:)
Why? it looks fine to me.