Hero Factory: The Call to Heroism

“The universe has grown quite dark, hasn’t it.”

It wasn’t a question, something had been eating up his ram. But what response was he looking for? Where was he trying to lead? Perhaps…

“I suppose it has. . . Can’t say we didn’t play a part in it.” He paused for a moment, seeing his friend’s frown increase in the reflection. “I guess the stories aren’t true, heroes don’t come out of nowhere to stop evil.”

“No,” his friend finally spoke again. “They don’t come from nowhere. No one is born a hero, they’re built into one. We’ll - build - HEROES.

He almost reeled back, arms lifted in surprise before chuckling so soft that most mics would fail to pick it up. So that’s what was on Akiyama’s mind. Which meant only one question was left to ask.

“So where have we started?”

Akiyama turned towards him with that old schemer’s smile and said, “Have you ever heard of a world called Quatros?”


I am The Lego Roleplayer, the AZT of ajtazt, The Eidolon Actor, or one of a few other names you may know me by and what you just read above is a snippet from an early draft of one of my background projects. A project you might have heard me slip up in chatting about here and there as HF: Rebranded or HF: Rebadged; a story series following the origins of the Hero Factory, its creation, the early years of its existence and foundation events, a rewrite of the later years seen in the sets, and beyond. A project that I’ve been working on, in some form, for at least since 2016

. . .

And it’s not done or good enough for release yet. So why am I here today telling you about it? That would be due to the MOCing portion of the project.

During lockdowns, I had a new mission. One to eliminate my excuse that I lacked the parts to do whatever Hero Factory builds I wanted to make. And with extra free cash, I finally had a good enough excuse to spend the money to do it. So during the lockdowns, I was amassing my CCBS collection and trying to hunt down better equipment. It took all of 2020, and several months of 2021, to receive the minimal amount to begin. And with my new lightbox, figured I was ready.

. . . Except I didn’t get a new camera. Despite how it looked in person, the photos were super bright and colors were incredibly washed out, despite having the lowest amount of light in the box that I could. The problem was my camera, it couldn’t adjust for the amount of light. I wouldn’t get a new camera until early spring of 2022 and I didn’t figure out better balancing until near the end of that year.

So that has left me in a conundrum. Do I continue with the original plan, start releasing the story when most of it has been completed to a satisfactory level and the MOCs along side it? I write slow, this has been taking a lot longer than expected due to life being a bother. By the time the story comes out, the current photos I have of the completed MOCs will not be of acceptable quality. But can I afford the time, or even bother, spending the effort of rebuilding them all and redoing all the photoshoots?

As you can guess, I have decided that it will be better to release the photos in their current state now. This topic, unless for contest or event MOCs, will become my repository for my Hero Factory MOCs. And I will be posting a MOC, or a group, each day until I reach the latest release. Along the way, I’ll include the dates of when these photos were taken, the camera used, and whatever other progress notes I can remember.

Though to avoid potential spoilers, or if things get significantly changed in another rewrite, my typical flavor text and/or character profile stuff won’t be included this time. Apologies in advance for those who read and enjoy that but hopefully it will be worth it in future.

But before I get to the stuff you haven’t seen yet, we begin our timeline with Blazen Beast and Spyrix, my duo built for the first HeroFebruary. These particular versions are not canon to my HF story series, but they were the first to make use of the lightbox. And while I did receive a decent number of parts by then, I was waiting to sort them until I had all of them. . . Which is another thing, how I sort and manage parts had changed quite a lot since 2021. You probably noticed I built in a lot larger batches in 2022 and that is the result of the many evolutions my storage and part sorting went through the course of 2021 and 2022. I can now get and find parts faster IRL than digitally, which amazing.

But right right, enough stalling. New stuff!

All photos were taken with my Nikon Coolpix S3300, which outside of digital builds and the photos for the original “Silhouette” MOC, all my other pictures from 2011–2022-ish were taken by this camera. I got a lot of use out of that Christmas present.

Pictures were taken on August 5th of 2021.

Thorn ∅ Team

Other team photos

I never could decide which one was best, so if you would, let me know which group shot is your favorite.

Previously known as the Defenders Team, these are a revamp of my first, and technically only, Hero team I made. Built the originals back in 2011 on LDD with the intention to order them through the Design by Me program. I didn’t use the Hero Recon Team service as I thought it was too limiting and I could get more parts through the LDD service. Though I only managed to save up enough to snag half the team and half the villains before the service shut down.

The team did receive one revamp in 2014 called the C-Upgrade (Custom Upgrade). But that was a forced revamp. Unlike a lot of my online peers, I didn’t do the revamp thing. Others would build the same character over and over and over again, but with me, I built it once and that was it. I found no need to build them again unless something happened in the story that would require the change. But I thought there must have been something to it since every other MOCists I saw does it, so I did.

I hated it. I pretty much hate the C-Upgrade versions and find them to be significantly worse than the originals, which aren’t even good to start with. Since then, I have never forced myself to do a revamp, I only do it when I feel like it. This is why there are massive year gaps between MOCs when I do finally build a revamp. I finally feel that it’s necessary, have more parts, and hopefully improved as a builder so time to see what I can do. Like with “Disarm,” who has an eight year gap between versions. But as you’ll see below, while the team is closer to their 2011 versions, they have taken some elements from their 2014 counterparts.

Oh. And now their team name roughly follows the rules/naming conventions of the other teams, that being a letter (e.g. Alpha, Zed, etc.) and a number. Names of the Heroes are still placeholders for now.

Although since I’m running out of characters, and time, I’ll only do half the team today. Which is fine, it’s the original three members.

Magnus Blastor:

General Body:

Multi-Tool Shields folded away:

Headshots and Action Poses:

Close Ups and Skeleton:

Behold the secrets

If you’re looking at this torso and wonder why it’s built like that, it’s due to using this torso armor and the regular one. Yes, he uses both. Why? Because I think it looks cool and more filled out. Though the torso I whipped together in a hurry isn’t the best. The two balls sitting on top of each other puts a bit too much stress and it’s a bit wabbly in places. I would do some major restructure work if I were to attempt this again.

Version Comparison

Magma Blaster | Original Description: Magma Blaster is the l… | Flickr

Magma Blaster C-Upgrade | "Our greatest mission is to defend… | Flickr

As you can see, he keeps the general look of his 2011 version, with really the only part of C-Upgrade being the rifle. That fit better with his character, but wanted to keep his dual-blasting shields. But also still wanted him to have hands, but thankfully we got a new pneumatic piece to help with just that. Which comes in black now. That would have been nice to have had sooner. Not the strongest connection though.

Niki Scorpia:

Headshots and Extras:

Version Comparison

Scorpia | Original Description: Scorpia is one of the many f… | Flickr

Scopia C-Upgrade | "If one tail is good, then two is better.… | Flickr

The most obvious difference between all the versions is the tail. Her new version doesn’t have a tail, that’s a pet snake. It’s wrapped around her chest, which is what those other small lime green shells are for on the front of the chest, they’re parts of the snake. Her other weapon is also a bird drone.

Figured that Hero Factory probably wouldn’t give a Hero a tail. They didn’t give their Heroes wing wings, so they probably wouldn’t give a tail. She only had it in the original is due to me liking scorpions and that being an unused connection point. Borrows a few weapon elements from the C-Upgrade version.

Goliath Resquer:

General Body:

Headshots and Action:

Version Comparison

Giant Rescuer | Original Description: Giant Rescuer is the b… | Flickr

Giant Rescuer (XXL) C-Upgrade | Giant Rescuer (XXL) C-Upgrad… | Flickr

The giant banana. His original version was to use all the limb options and shell sizes available. Everything at least came in yellow, so he was yellow and tall. And ugly. Which only got worse with the C-Upgrade version, which was a Toa Mata Nui-esque attempt. It didn’t go well.

So his new version adds Keetorange to hurt the eyes more and, while no longer as tall as he used to be, he is buff. You’ve seen this design before, I used a variation of it for Sunkwrecker (Depth Charge Gang). I don’t think I ever took pictures of what it all looks like behind the scenes. If I remember, I’ll show what I did for him, Scorpia, Sunkwrecker, and others.

And that’s all I can do for now. See you tomorrow!


I really like the custom frame you made for them. You could have just as easily used the standard pre-fab 2.0 torso, but you went with a brickbuilt alternative, which is very nice.
The colorful color schemes of the heroes are also very cool!


@LegoDavid Thanks! Though only Magnus Blastor has a custom-built frame. The others all use modified versions of the standard prefabs to give them more armor coverings and varying shoulder sizes. But Scorpia and Resquer are more modified than these next three.

Speaking of which!

The other Heroes that join the team later.

Roger Knight:

General Body:

Flight Test:

Version Comparison

Rocket Knight | Original Description: Rocket Knight is so na… | Flickr

Rocket Knight C-Upgrade | "I wonder what will be the first t… | Flickr

He’s is both, simultaneously the most and least changed of the group. I really like the Rocketeer, so I wanted to build a Rocket Knight. Something heroic and more classic than a musketeer, but still fun and futuristic. But they didn’t have enough silver parts at that time in CCBS to make it work (and never did fully). So this version is, more or less, what he was always meant to be.

Forrest Cutter:

General Body:

Version Comparison

Forest Cutter | Original Description: Forest Cutter is the m… | Flickr

Forest Cutter C-Upgrade | "Now I know why very few villains … | Flickr

Now, despite my earlier statements, when I was building my Hero Team back in 2011, Magma Blaster, Scorpia, and Rocket Knight where the main ones I had ideas for. Giant Rescuer was just for the parts, HF’s Ironman due to the heads looking similar and thought it would be funny, and then there was…Forest Cutter.

I made six because Bionicle teams had six, Hero Factory technically continued that, so I needed six. Forest Cutter was made just to fill out the roster with a color I hadn’t used yet. Made him the techie and thought nothing else of it. Though hilariously enough, Forest Cutter was one of the three Heroes I got from LDD because of his villain, McStabber. Because of this, since he was around, he ended being used as my main character for audio logs I wrote.

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And he has since become one of my favorite characters on the time. So when I was remaking him this time, I purposefully tried to keep him as basic and tame as possible. He’s just another Hero, just like how he was back in the day.

As such, he lost most of his C-Upgrade influences. His weird saw-ax weapon wasn’t the original idea for his new weapon. I wanted a functional chainsaw-minigun. Unfortunately, making a functional chainsaw at his scale ended up being impossible for me to do. So weird weapon it was.

And since I’m here, these were the other audio log photos:
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050 a

Antony Jabbox:

General Body:

Version Comparison

Hero Factory's Iron Man | Original Description: Iron Man is … | Flickr

Flint Va Boxor C-Upgrade | "I'm still not going to use weapo… | Flickr

In my mind, he is the most changed and the one who kept closest to his C-Upgrade version. As said above, he was supposed to just be Ironman as a joke. His character in story, however, swiftly became not a joke. So when I did his revamp in 2014, I tried to move him a bit further away from the Ironman motif and gave him a new name.

The name sucked, but I liked some of the weapons. So that has stayed, leaned harder into the Ironman look, pretty happy with how he is now.


Now those are some heavily armed Heroes.


ah cool, they look great!


@Alucia and @Rhyla416 Thanks!

And up next, we have two more Heroes.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: August 14th, 2021


Action and Closeups:

Sandra (full name pending) never had a MOC prior. She existed in the HF fanficts I wrote years ago, but I never built her as tan and brown armor shells did not exist at the time. In my mind, and how I described her, she had a desert/sand motif, much like Bionicle’s Sand Tribe and thus was tan and brown. And now that she’s built, you might be wondering why she’s now blue and has the Mata Nui Cow color scheme.

Well. I wanted to keep the Heroes within the 2.0/3.0 style. To do that, I need to keep the chest add-on and that comes in a very limited selection of colors. I could still do tan, but something needed to become her new second color. Ended up picking blue as that was a very beach color. Yes, it is sand jokes all the way down. It’s even why her headpiece is backwards, to look like a sun visor/brim of a hat, like one might wear to the beach.

I’ll also note both Scorpia and Sandra having bird drone weapons was a coincidence. I built their weapons and then realized, as I was taking pictures, that I built birds. So it doubles up as their weapon and bird drones. Sandra’s weapon is supposed to resemble an Olympic bow or a sports competition bow, with that weighted pole coming out the front. Just so happened to look very bird-like using the HF pieces.

Mia Spyrix:

And welcome back Spyrix! You weren’t gone for very long in this topic. This is the canonical version of her, appearance wise, for the story series. Not certain if this counts as a revamp, devamp, or just a variation, but here she is as a 2.0 style Hero. Pretty similar and in-line with the original, so not much to comment on there.

But that Hero Recon chest, how did I get that? Pure luck. As you’ll recall, I didn’t use the Hero Recon Team service and I thought the special chest piece was just ‘meh’ back then. And when I started growing my CCBS collection, this piece wasn’t on the list because it was both so rare and probably too expensive. Then one day browsing eBay, I came across this:

It was not listed under Bionicle, Hero Factory, or anything like that. It was called something like “Lego Surge” and that was it. I just so happened to be scrolling through the mass general tag of Lego when I caught it. And the seller thought it was a Lego set from 2009 called Surge. Not entirely certain why they thought the year was 2009, nor why they made no mention of any specific Lego theme, but the price was cheaper than what the Recon piece historically sold for by itself on Bricklink. So I snagged it immediately. It may not be the most valuable piece in my collection, but it is certainly one of the rarer ones and happy to have it to do a Spyrix 2.0 proper justice.

But I’ve just about had enough Heroes and I’m sure you have too. So tomorrow, we’re going villainous! See ya then.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: August 14th, 2021

Best prepare for war gents, for these bitter old machines will bring it to you.

General Renade:

Extras and Closeups:

Quick note here, this is not how I would design his feet if I were to do it now. I was building quick, so my cheap solution was just an axel going through some balls and another piece to attach the Protector foot. However, that put it in an odd angle and forced a lot of stress. Even though he wasn’t built for long, it still managed to bend and warp the axels. Something like this could be done, just not the way I did it.

Version Comparison

Explosion | Original Description: Explosion is a war veteran… | Flickr

Explosion Revamp | "Nothing is indestructible to Explosion!"… | Flickr

Like my Heroes, I also forced myself to revamp all my villains in 2014, except for one. And while I dislike several of the villain revamps as well, it wasn’t nearly as strong as the villains, who received much needed enhancements overall. You’ll see what I mean when we get to them, but the General here is a natural evolution from his last incarnation. Still has his shoulder rocket launchers, got a minigun that is a mix between his two prior versions. Though he has lost his prior secondary weapons, he now is visually much closer to his minions.

MB V.2 - Soldier Class:

Before continuing on, I’ll clarify here that the Soldier Class is gunmetal in color. It was obvious in the other photos that colors are being washed out from the lights, and is especially bad with bright colors like red, but gets pretty bad with metallic colors too. It’s pretty easy to mistake him for being flat silver, even though he’s entirely gunmetal. The guy below him is flat silver.

MB V.1 Patroller Class:

MB V.1 Infiltrator Class:

The Kids when Dad’s not home:

Version Comparison

Minion Bot | Original Description: Minion Bots are robot tha… | Flickr

Minion Bot 2.0 | "These types of Minion Bots are more danger… | Flickr

I’ve stated elsewhere that the small sets are my favorite, be it Bionicle, Technic, System, and others, I like the little guys most. So even back in 2011, the Minion Bots were my favorite creations of the two groups. Though like with Rocket Knight, they suffered from white pieces due to silver not being an option.

The smallest one, the Infiltrator Class, is essentially what I always intended the Minion Bots to be. Well, if it was silver it would be, but build wise they absolutely are. There was only one toros size available, so I just had to make due for a small body. The Patroller Class is the closest to the original Minion Bot’s build, with the primary changes being how its guns are attached and the armor shells chosen. Which made them more Vahki-like, so I decided to lean into that.

The big boy, the Soldier Class, is pretty much just a better version of the 2.0 Minion Bots. Like the other forced revamps, I never much liked the 2.0 version and much preferred the smaller original. But I do like it much more, now that I have this improved version of 2.0’s concepts. Of the three, he’s the only one to retain the original Minion Bot shoulder gun connection points.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021

Longleg Widower:



Skeleton base:

Version Comparison:

Now you work? You weren’t giving me those links earlier. I’ll be going back and fixing the others with version comparisons in a moment.

Edit: Or I guess they still don’t reload in dropdowns. Meh.

Anyways, so yeah, technically not a spider, man. Daddy Longlegs are still creepy like one though. When I built him in LDD, I was fully aware that the helmet pieces didn’t come in black IRL. And if I was into using paint or bootlegs, I absolutely would have made the head closer to the original. But large CCBS shells would have to do.

This was also before my great set dismantling, so my free System parts was quite limited. Otherwise, I might have tried using some bricks to form a better head. Or Technic panels, which I had yet to collect at this point.


Nice use of that Furno 2.0 visor.


@Racie02 Thanks! It is the most useful, or at least reusable, of the 2.0 stuff. His and Breez, the others’ chin guards make them more difficult to work around.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021


As you might have noticed immediately, the color washout is really bad here. It has been bad, but this is exceptionally bad. Because that is Pyrox’s face piece and that is a dark red, someone almost like Metru Red. And here, it almost looks like bright/regular red, but you can see what it does to normal red in the skeleton pics.

General Body:


Version Comparison:


This is a very unfair comparison now isn’t it? The original version here was when I kept most of the MOCs together. As a result, I had few pieces to work with but had enough that I could scrap something together. He is a spare parts scrap build, so anything built with a larger collection of parts is going to be better.

I wasn’t going to revamp him originally. My plan was that this guy would have a cameo at most, nothing more, so no need for a revamp. But I was playing around with some custom torso ideas and thought that one would work really well for him. So by pure chance, he got resurrected.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021


General Body:


Version Comparison:

Ah, the wonders when you obtain panels…but also not enough panels to make it large enough to properly fold inside and close.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021

Springy Leaper:

General Body:

Stretch and Leap:

Version Comparison:


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021


General Body:

Action Poses:

Weapon and Skeleton:

Version Comparison:


New name still pending, but behold the old dragonfly baddie. Switched to the Mistika wings as that’s honestly what I wanted to have from the start. I only used the Furno blades as I thought that was the coolest alternative at the time. I don’t think the wings were in LDD when I was revamping him in 2014 and kept it closer to the original. While I did do some experiments involving the wing designs of these two with the new one, I ended up defaulting to the Mistika wings.

Flagon was one of the few I got IRL and boy oh boy were the wings not stable. It does connect and hold on, but they’re very wobble and require to be balanced to be posed as shown in the digital version. Otherwise, it just tips over and half the wings sit on the ground. His 2014 version solves this in a very simplistic way, but it’s stable. Not that the latest one is more complex, but it looks nicer.

Oh and that white horn/fang coming out from under his chin. That’s not something new to this version, the prior versions have it as well. It can’t be seen from these photos, but underneath their heads/chins they have a horn or fang piece in there. I think, originally, it was supposed to be mandibles or just something to help make the head look different. I didn’t want to use the 2.0 visor pieces on most of the villains, so I left most of them with a blank head. Figured some new piece or something that would work better would come along eventually.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: September 12th, 2021

Forklift Certified:

General Body:

A Certified Forklift:

Becoming Forklift Certified:

Forklift Module:

Version Comparison:


Obviously, like how I went ahead and just built Ironman on the Hero team, I also wanted to do a Marvel villain. And Doc Ock seemed the most fun and easiest to accomplish with the available colors. Though I never obtained him, he would suffer from the same design flaws as Flagon, so his 2014 version fixes this. Not in the most graceful method, but fixes it.

His latest version started out as the torso base for Longleg Widower but things switched into being this revamp. The character was always more visually similar to the good doc than in writing, so it was about time his MOC strayed further away just like the fiction. I still don’t have a new name for them yet. But the arms are essentially forklift drones, so.


Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: October 3rd, 2021

The Prophetter:

General Body:

Closer Body Shots:

Headshot and Action:

Version Comparison:

Ah good ol’ Prophetter, now with an armored black fist. He’s very similar to his old counterpart which, aside from his staff, appears that the only major change is his head. And that’s exactly why I revamped him.

So his old version. His head is that Ben 10 foot, it has a red ball in the middle, and two connector tubes pieces that can only hold together with pegs/pins. How is it holding together? If you were thinking something like a lightsaber bar, you’re unfortunately wrong! I’m going to let you in on a secret…It’s using a 3L axel, and it’s being held together by pressure and the tubes.

…Yeah, if you ever see me using the ribbed hoses/tube pieces, it’s rarely there for aesthetic reasons. I am often using them basically as string and tying the MOC together. Take a look at my Dark Hunter MOCs with that in mind, you’ll realize several (like “Herald”) are mostly kept together by this tube string. But it’s worse than you think for Prophetter here, because that socket is the only connection point on the foot. So the tubes are not only helping keep pressure and holding the mandibles in place, it’s also holding the foot/entire head levitating in the air. The CCBS shell on top is there to both help hide this and to keep the head for floating up too high.

While he no longer has his sinister single red eye, or quite the same mandible look anymore, the head is 100% legal this time. And this time the tubes are there for just aesthetics to keep in line with his old version.


Ooh all of these mocs look really cool! They really capture the smoother style of Hero Factory as compared to Bionicle and all of them are pretty well constructed. Nice mocs all around here.


ye i agree, i like the prophetter’s green! (kinda gives me artahka vibes)


Is the name based off the word “profiteer”?


@Rukah Thanks! Trying to keep all in the same style, so mostly pure CCBS I go.

@Rhyla416 Thanks! Though I picked green more for the color of American cash. A funny coincidence for the color comparison though, given his character.

@DuneToa “Prophet” and “profiteer,” he’s a profiteering prophet. Though I flipflop on the spelling being Prophetter and Propheteer, the former visually looks nicer to me.

Camera: Nikon Coolpix S3300
Photograph Date: October 3rd, 2021


General Body:

Action Pose:


Gasp! No version comparison?! Original?! Haven’t seen one of those since Sandra!

Joking aside, Monnarck is one of many yet to come that never had a MOC before. She appeared in audio logs, but that had been her only role/appearance at that time. Though the bloom is really, really bad on her. Yeesh. My poor little butterfly girl.

Yes, over an entire year before I built a bat girl, I built a bug girl. If my memory is correct, when I built my butterfly, this was before the debut of the bats on the boards. Like I said, I have built many bugs and you have yet to see all the bugs still coming! It’s not just her and the dragonfly.


Ooh this one looks really cool. I quite like the neon orange armor pieces used and it goes well with the black. Neat