High Lord Zi-Vi-Jor (~50cm)

He has a walking stick because of his prosthetic leg

Edited blue pins and red pins

This is my biggest humanoid moc to date standing tall at 50 cm.
He has control over electricity and magnetics.
I tried to make his appearance proud and royal looking

Size comparison


Strange, but cool.

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Cool design, I like the color distribution. It certainly seems tall, could we get a height comparison?


This needs work on the arms and shoulders, but otherwise this is pretty solid.

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The arms seem a bit skinny, but other than that the MOC is awesome. I really like how you did the hands!

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This is really nice! It’s big and grand looking, while still being solid, with really good parts usage. The color scheme though a little boring, is very consistent. This is definitely a great use of CCBS.

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it’s very odd, but it works

looks really alien-like

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while making the arms bulkier could look better it would have made him way too top heavy so I opted for these skinnier arms. The stability is pretty stable now

Hey, you finished it! great work!!!

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His hands are great.

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That thing is huge

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Awesome! though the walking stick should be held in the other hand

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He feels a bit too tall for his skinniness, but it’s impressive that you made something this big and well-covered anyway.

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The red pins ruin it for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice! But, how much is 50cm in American measurements (ie, inches, feet, yards, miles, ect.)?

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about 19.7 inches

That is a really big MoC.
That’s all I have to say

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That’s quite tall. Nice.

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