Hey here is my entry featuring all four of the remaining Toa Hagah. Would love some overall feedback. Good luck to all who has entered and will enter in the future!
Summary It’s better I enter this contest late than never at all. I’ve never entered a canon contest until now and I thought why not try?
I’ve had these MOC’s finished for a couple of weeks since the contest started and have honestly not looked at anyone’s submissions. This is mostly for me to work on my vision and not attempt to copy someone else’s work. With that said, let me move to my mindset for designing my Toa Hagah.
Mindset/Design Decisions
Summary When designing these other four Toa Hagah, I restricted myself to what was available at the time when Toa Iruini and Norik were released. They didn’t really incorporate any Hordika specific body parts, so I excluded those from my parts pool. I wanted to build the Toa Hagah as if they could’ve realistically r…