Horse in the Garage

right again. Dead horse

Horse respawn! It goes to the left.


I’m feeling particularly mean today, so I force the horse to go left again and it disintegrates into a thousand fiery shards.

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A new horse stumbles upon the entrance to the garage. Foolishly, it goes left.

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This horse is such a fool that it moves left again. This foolish horse is now a dead horse.

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His friend charges in after him, but turns right.

I’m feeling merciful, so I force the new horse to go left. He wins!!

He cheers exuberantly, only to stumble to his left. He falls of the edge of the visible world and dies.

new horse of course of course

he goes right

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Horse goes left

He then goes right, dizzy and confused at the complexity of the garage.

He has found the exit. The horse lives, free to explore the world how he desires, after a string of deaths and sometimes murder of horses, the survivor.

More horses see his triumph. Curious, one follows his example, deciding to go left.


The horse continues to go left, failing to follow the previous horse’s example as he is instantly disintegrated.

A third horse faces past, stumbling to the right.

the horse again travels right and continues to walk right, going in a circle until he dies.

New horse. It explodes, but most of it lands to the right.

A strong rightward wind blows the bloody chunks of horse right once more. This horse was dead in body, but now it is in soul as well.

New horse, left.


the horse then goes right


The Horse lives!