How Do I Make Multi-Coloured Custom Parts In

I tried importing a piece at 250% and 254%. They weren’t any bigger.

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Could you post a screenshot comparing the different sizes (100%, 250%, etc.)? You should be able to import multiple files in the same build area.

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I’ve had this happen to me before, and I think it was also on a Blender part. My “fix” was to just import it really, really big (~3000%).

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You said you never used Blender!

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The .obj file was provided by someone else.

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This is the result:

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Now, I’m stuck on step 5.

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Step 5.1: Open

Step 5.2: Open a new model

Step 5.3: Go to the Custom parts palette

Step 5.4: Search for the name of your custom part that you want to colour

Step 5.5: Insert the custom part into the build area

Step 5.6: Colour the part as you desire using the Color Palette:

Step 5.7: Once the part is coloured, click File > Export As > Export As LDraw in the top left corner:

Step 5.8: Save this LDraw file to wherever on your computer you want, then click Save:

You have now completed Step 5.

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Aligning the parts is difficult.

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More precise alignment can be done with the coordinates in the top right of PartDesigner:

Just click on the part, and then manually type in its coordinates. This allows you to position parts to within a thousandth of a stud.

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Here’s a result of me manually moving a piece:

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I finally did it:


That’s a cool helmet! I can’t wait to see the finished part!

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That is the finished part.


Ok. Well, it looks very nice!

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