Do you pronounce it ‘toe-mate-oh’, or ‘toe-maw-toe’?
Personally, I pronounce it as ‘toe-maw-toe’
Do you pronounce it ‘toe-mate-oh’, or ‘toe-maw-toe’?
Personally, I pronounce it as ‘toe-maw-toe’
I say Toe-mate-oh. You know, like @Pot8o .
toe mat oh
i pronouce potato
Po tay toe
I pronounce it like a chump the same way Google does.
I pronounce it solid ketchup.
So a tomato is made up of itself, sweeteners, vinegar, salt, spices, onion, and so on and so forth?
I say To-mate.
Not Toe-mate-oh, just To-mate.
Am I weird?
I only consume tomatoes when they’re made into ketchup. So yes
I pronounce it “tomato”. I also pronounce potato “potato”.
/jk obviously.
What, Just me?
I pronounce tomato as “Ew, get that thing away from me!”
I say toe-mate-oh
I say Po-mi-do-ras C:
Tue-Mye-Twa, That’s how I say it…
I pronounce tomato as “Bob” or “Ketchup” as the occasion requires.
Other times I call it tum8o