How large is Spherus Magna?

That’s kinda my point. When has Bionicle honestly followed all known laws of physics? Greg said it himself, Bionicle doesn’t really follow them.


Cause people dont know anything about physics so they make stuff up which in the end makes you have a false look at reality.

Or a fun one…



I find fun in the real world as well, if you pay more time to look clearly.

I look quite clearly, but mostly it’s just up at the sky on a clear night.

I suggest watching “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” documentaries, brilliant way to be introduced to the world of physics, astrophysics and overall everything in life. Great narration, amazing music and stunning visuals shown of our world that can only scratch the surface of whats really out there.

I’ve seen a few episodes. I really liked the first one. With Carl Sagan, right?

No, there are new ones made, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson (mostly known for making Pluto loose its status of a planet to dwarf planet and “Watch out, we got a ■■■■■■ over here” meme) who is Carl Sagans successor. All 12-13 episodes are a worth while watch.
Also I suggest listening to some of Neils lectures.

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I’ve seen that too :stuck_out_tongue: I should try and catch-up with the series sometime.

Before we return to topic, have you read Death by Black Hole?

We should make a science topic or something for this.

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I agree with the science topic in the future (as its my major).

Also the map we had of Bara Magna, how much of the world did it actually show?

I think it just showed the old desert up to the Black Spike Mountains. However somewhere there’s a picture of Spherus Magna as a planet. If I remember, the GSR covers the north sprawled on its back. There really is no telling how large it is. (This is nothing like discovering how large Unicron is)

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I mean when you look on the planets surface from above, how much of that map would cover that planets surface? For me it seemed quite little.

It looked like quite little. I’m gonna have to dig it up.

Greg failed science class then.


Well, who’s to say that the BIONICLE universe doesn’t have different laws of physics? :stuck_out_tongue:


Right. So who remembersw that one galaxy large enough to break universal laws? Noone? OK

Anyway the bionicle universe don’t need to follow the laws of physics anyway. Not like it would help. Cause apperantly Spherus magna is the size of Saturn or something, GSR is the size of earth and the gravity is Earth-leveled. Also most of the beings are taller or shorter then an average human being.

…I blame the great beings and Greg for this

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I’d like to point out that Bionicle has always had No Conservation of Energy. Where does the extra mass come from when Matoran turn into Toa? How do Toa manipulate the elements with their minds? None of that would make the least bit of sense if real-life physics applied, so it’s only natural that other laws of nature, such as gravity, would be ignored as well. As @Leoxandar alluded to, Greg has mentioned many times that Bionicle uses “comic book physics.”


It comes on loan from the energy bank. They repay it when turned into Turaga.


That’s where :stuck_out_tongue:
(that would be a ton of energy though. Maybe c is a lot smaller in their universe. Or they have a totally different equation. Which is what I was saying by different laws)


Oh he failed big time.