How Old do You Think the TTV Podcast Members Are?


Edited title and moved to Pandemic Panda The TTV Podcast - Booster

Meso: IDK, 18
Var: 20
Kahi: 19
Eljay: 18
Takuma: 23
Ven: 19
Viper: 17
Exx: IDK


Meso: 18
Var: 19
Viper: 17
Takuma: 21
Kahi: 20
Ven: 19
Eljay: 1
Exx: IDK

Meso: 853
Var: 392057
Viper: 49242482048028420456445453
Eljay: Eljay


Really? :smirk:

Pretty sure Eljay said in a TTV talks that he was 16.

Viper is going into college, so I assume she’s 17

Kahi and Takuma I think are 20

Meso and Ven are around 18, Var is 21 or above

As of September of 2014.


I’m pretty sure it’s been stated that Viper’s the youngest.

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10 bucks says Takuma is 25 years old. Also I am going to wild guess and say ElJay is either 19 or 21…probably 21.

The 10 bucks isn’t literal. It’s just figurative to make a point.

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A 21 year old with no job, not going to college and living with his parents? Sounds like a loser to me.


And the thing is I’m 20, have no “job”, and I live with my parents.

The coincidences are real.

But I’m still going to college at the moment.

Don’t worry Kahi, I know you meant no harm by that reply.

This is the guy that spent the good part of this morning/afternoon wishing people to burn in Hell for killing him in Halo 5. I hope you all know this.

(Also, age is staying unconfirmed for me. I love keeping you guys guessing).


Was my age accurate?


[quote=“Dekagamer7X9, post:1, topic:14807”]
-Var: 20-
Meso: 18
-Eljay: -2
-Kahi: 20
-Ven: 20
-Viper: 17
-Takuma: 25
-Exx: 21
[/quote] /s

Eljay’s as old as the earth.

He sounds young cause he’d been sealed away.

He wears his mask to hide his demonic face as he had recently opened the 7th seal which let him escape to the human world


Huh… I should have ran into him during my conquest of the 5th layer of the underworld. Remind me to fire my lookout and get a better one.

Var: I feel he’s the oldest of the group, but I think him and Kahi are the oldest. Works a job.
Meso: Probably 18 or 17
Eljay: I’d guess he’s around the same age as Meso. Probably 17 or 18.
Kahi: Kahi works a job, I know that. I think him and Var are the oldest ones, just dunno who’s the oldest.
Venom: Older than Eljay, that’s what I think anyways.


Could you at least tell us if your above or below the legal drinking age?

Eljay: 19
Meso: 12 8P
Var: 22
Takuma: 26
Viper: 18
Exx: Triangle + Rabbit = Bread Crumbs
Kahi: 21
Ven: 21

I could tell you… But I won’t.


Takuma has to be the oldest.

Alright, one of those must be Kini, so here’s my guesses (And this is a year later, so just add 1 to each of them):

16: Viper (As it’s been stated she’s the youngest)

17: Meso (As it’s been stated he’s the second youngest)

18: Var

18: Kini

19: Ven

19: Kahi

19: Eljay

21: Exx

25: Takuma

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