How Were You Introduced To Bionicle?

Movies, but it was like late 07 or 09

G2 actually sparked my interest in Bionicle big time

I was growing up during stars and I ended up getting Stars Gresh and… losing all his parts, until i became really immersed in the story thanks to one Lewa, master of jungle in late 2016 I also lost his pieces and learning about G1 from Bs01 and the Fandom wiki kept me going because of my Severe Depression (help me)

I got Onua Nuva as a Christmas present. Then I got 2 Bohrok, and from there I started visiting and I was hooked!

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Remember walking I to a toy shop and finding a 3pack of the Toa Mata, if I remember it was Tahu, Onua and Kopaka I think. Cheeky marketing really. I was instantly hooked and super peeved that I couldn’t build the combiner, so convinced my parents to let me buy the other 3 pack.

Great memories, that shop closed about 15 years ago but I still remember going in there a lot to buy bionicle sets for the first couple of years. Great memories.

glatorian sets, and the legend reborn.
oh, how i loved those sets.
i still have them to this very day.
all six of em’

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Oww, so you were pretty late to the party then?

you call that late?
buddy, half the people here found out about bonkle after it ended


Oww really? Okay, I’ve been around since the beginning and have been out of the game pretty much since G1 ended lol So I wasn’t really aware of that.

i really need to thank nick on planet ripple’s lego bionicle rewind. so i just want to thank him.


forgot to respond to this a long time ago. I no longer have six of them, some of the pieces broke over time. :confused: I only have four of them left. But I could always form a traditional Matoran Nui if people wanna see what that looks like built.


It was from a preview in a instruction booklet for a old lego roboriders set.


I remember seeing a small promo toward the back in one of the LEGO magazines in early 2001. It showed the digging Onua image, with the BIONICLE logo.


I remember being mystified and wondering: is that LEGO? How is that built? I remember one of my first impressions was that it was for some kind of new sci-fi for adults. :no_mouth:


If memory serves the older figures I own were technically my sisters but I ended up playing with them a lot more. It’s been an addiction for about eighteen years now.


I was introduced to bionicle from G2. My first ever set was terak and I had fun taking him apart, rebuilding him, changing stuff around and just having fun playing around with it and my hero factory sets. Using those sets I made my first ever MOCs (sadly all disassembled or repurposed now). Using some of the parts of terak, I built my first ever MOC character which serves as my main character today, Noridox. After this, I started to research it and began to watch videos on bionicle, learning about the characters, the story, the tragic cancelation for the first and second time, and eventually I went on to obtain my first G1 set, Lewa Mata. I built up more figures and more MOCs until we reach today


I saw an ad for Bionicle in the back of the instruction booklet of what I think was either a Slizer or Roborider. My 4-year-old idiot self kept endlessly trying to build Kopaka with slizer pieces, until I got the Toa/Turaga/Tohunga for christmas.

Where and why I got Slizers and Roboriders? I didn’t realize until this topic that I had no idea, but I guess I have no idea.


I love slizers!


I may be thinking of the wrong one


I remember being five and thinking the Scuba throwbot was a fully functional robot with real articulating pistons that you were supposed to attach. I was so overwhelmed by the design of the thing I actually asked my parents not to get it for me because it was too complicated. It wasn’t until later when a friend of mine was building Kopaka that I realized the mechanical details were molded in decorations.


That’s pretty funny actually. Though I wasn’t intimidated by the complex appearance of the robotic elements, I do recall thinking similarly. At the time, with my first impressions I was always thinking about the BIONICLE figures being at the same scale as Throwbots/Slizers and Roboriders, using System pieces too. Amusing to remember!

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I guess I assumed I posted here even though I didn’t. My first BIONICLE set was Toa Kongu Inika, when I was four. I do not remember the context, but I remember seeing the light-up swords in the Target, and I remember being at home and building it. I remember the commercial. I do not remember which came first. From then on, BIONICLE was my main interest, until about 2010, and then again from 2014-2017 or so, and then again from 2020 to present.


So I was walking through the park one day when a canister fell out of a tree and bonkled me in the head. Not a Bionicle canister, just a canister. And I said “huh, I have been bonkled”. And then I suddenly wanted to go buy a toy, except I was two at the time so I couldn’t just go to the store by myself and when I asked mom if we could go to the store and she said “maybe later” and I was upset so I told her to go step on some Legos, and then she thought that was a great idea so she went to the store to buy me a Lego, only she forgot about me and left me in the park by myself, and so I picked up the canister and started playing with it until some guy came along and took it from me so I ran off into the woods crying and I hid out there for two days until I got so hungry that I decided to steal some food from a family having a picnic but I mistook their kid’s Bohrok for a fruit and they caught me and called my mom, but I climbed up a tree and wouldn’t come down and they had to get the fire Department to help and I only went with the fireman when he promised me a Bohrok. So my mom bought me a Bohrok, but I was disappointed because two-year-old me still thought it was a weird fruit and when I opened it up I discovered I couldn’t eat it, so I lost interest in Bionicle until 14 years later in 2016 when I was watching the old Galidor set and told my mom I wanted a Lego Galidor and she got me a Gali Uniter instead. I watched Journey to One to see who this was and it was so bad that I dismissed Bionicle again. Then I joined these message boards because I was a fan of ttv’s rwby reviews and I learned that there was a whole G1 but I decided I didn’t care so I never actually got into bionicle. The end.