HowTo: MOC Tutorials

It’s Quelaag! I dunno how many of you played Dark Souls…

I have it

Simple head build. Made 9 months ago.


Make sure they have a flat bottom, that they are large enough for the doc and that they are in line with the rest of the leg.

@Ghosty Oh it has some booze!


that thare be a biggo toa.

Edited for Double Post - Waj


Perfect for an EVA MOC.

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Unless you’ve updated this since the video I’m not impressed. The head is now way too far forward unless the moc body is built to make it look good. That and unless the head is covered by a hood or armor it looks ugly from any angle not directly in front. I will say it works for a simple posable head though.
That’s chest armor.
Not a beer bottle.
Also, get some better grammar:

Need I facepalm again?


Anyone got ideas for lower leg design? Approximately as long as a 4.5 axel.

Help with custom hands?

@CarumSarene ?:


Interesting leg designs. I was thinking of using hordika necks too :smile:

Use a Y-joint and a T-Bar. Then clip on exo-force arms.

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What is a Y joint? I dunno cause I don’t use names for it, I use like the red thing for red pins

Socket piece with three axel holes.

Oh so like the gen 1 shoulders?

Exactly. Just be careful using lime ones

I know… Why does lime have to be so bad :frowning:

Dunno. It’s my favorite color though. I have three lime Y joints from 2001, I’ve used them a ton on my self moc and they haven’t even cracked.

Lucky you

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It’s the 08 joints that are bad.

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And lime joints from '07.

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