HowTo: MOC Tutorials

I would love to see how you pulled off that eyepiece.

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Here you go.

It is kind of a WIP, as I want to improve how it looks from the back.

Also, updated my self moc a little, more armour.


29 days old

and the salt is reaaaalll


inika because I have no story I’m not mlg pro like you guys


When I was a boy, all I could do was modded Inika builds to make Mocs. Then came the Barraki. Those sets inspired me to think out of the box and create creatures that weren’t restricted to the Inika build, using technic parts as the foundation. Yes, in order to make good Mocs, you need a handful of technic parts. Technic connectors and beams enable you to connect parts in different ways and extend beyond the Inika build. Yes, you can stick with the Inika build if you like it, but try experimenting with technic parts to see what you can do with it.


Being experimental is the way to go with getting better mocs. My self moc is my first moc in 5 years. A result of torso parts put together. Don’t be afraid to outside the boundaries of official Lego sets.


Really…I just started seeing smoke…coming out of my ears, If you like your MOC then it is a good MOC…if others do not like that, fine. they may help you like it more. so no, your MOCs were not bad, you just changed your tastes.


your argument makes no sense. I made drawings when I was 5 and was proud of them. Now when I look at them, all I see is how far I’ve come. I’m not trying to start a fight, but when you first start doing something, you may like what you make, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. In fact, it’s probably horrible. But that’s why we keep doing it, to get better.


There’s something about your pixelated dinosaur icon that jus looks cool, but I can’t tell what.

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Hey, ScienceGiraffe, please stay on topic. If you want to compliment someone, I would recommend it would be either A) on topic, or B) through a PM, unless it is part of the discussion.



Hey, aren’t you the guy that says “First comment” on every single one of TTV’s videos?

Oh nooo…

Anyhow, try experimenting with builds and taking inspiration from others. For example, my latest Self-MoC, Pirean, takes inspiration from @ColdGoldLazarus, @Political_Slime, and the Star Wars torso.



My moc, Rakkunuva, needs help with lower limbs, weapons, and hands. Can one of you post something related to this?

He has a Pakari Nuva (AA form) in black as his mask, and I’m going for a formidable look.

Weapons are a gun and a sword.

He hunts Rahi, BTW

Edit: He had a small torso, made it larger, should post pics later today.

Edit: Should I splurge on 32177’s? (1x7 Liftarm with fan)


I suggest looking up different mocs (On the board and on the internets) and look at formidable things to get inspiration

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I can help with lower legs…just so long as you’re not another person who builds massive titans for Self-MOCs…I only build slightly smaller than Inika sized.


I may be able to help, as well. As long as he’s not huge, as Ek suggested, I could provide you something formidable and Rahi hunting boot-like…

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You can help with Torso aswell, right? :V

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He’s bigger than Inika but not titanic, like twice the size of a mata.

No spikes, though

Sure, that would be cool

Edited for triple post - by Scarilian (Please read rules on double posting)

yo man, don’t post several posts. Just make one single post. That way it’s more clean and less spammy

Try this, but you’ll need to scroll down to see the lower leg construction alone. The other side uses this as a connection point.

Let me know if you want anything more. It’s always great to help! :smiley:


My MOCs are the size of Mata


can’t help